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My heart thundered vibrantly beneath my chest at the sound of a footsteps crunching. I held my breath and froze, staring anxiously at the small crack of the door.

Suddenly, a figure came into view and I nearly pissed myself when I recognized it as being Trent.

Shit! Go away, go away...

There was a muffled conversation, one I couldn't decipher as my ears were clogged with the blood rushing fiercely throughout my body.

About thirty minutes ago, a bunch of us decided it would be a fun idea to play hide-and-seek as if we were back in primary school again. For some reason, my drunken self thought it sounded great.

I guess when the alcohol was involved, it made you 10 again.

So for thirty minutes, a whole fucking half an hour, I'd been holed up in this small shed that was borderline claustrophobic. Though it was pretty decently sized, the large amount of shit inside of it created minimal moving space.

And also, I had to pee. Like really fucking badly.

Suddenly, a hiccup forced its way out of my body and I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth when I noticed Trent's head snap towards the shed. Again, I held my breath and wished him away. I stood frozen to the spot as I closed my eyes tightly, already knowing I'm going to be found.

Seconds that felt like minutes stretched by before Trent said something to himself. Then, the soft crunch of leaves sounded and it was only when I heard them drawing away from the shed that I let out the breath I'd been holding in. Before I could stop it, my face was breaking out into a victorious grin.

Take that, Rowen!

I waited for a short while longer before deciding the coast was clear. I reached out and fumbled briefly with the stupid handle, cursing silently to myself when it didn't budge at first.

Finally, after what felt like eons later, the door opened and I stumbled out at the sudden force, nearly face-planting with the ground.

Except, instead of with the ground, my face ended up colliding with something much more harder than the crunchy leaves beneath my feet.

It was a chest - a very manly chest, that was clothed in a super soft fabric. It was so soft that it momentarily mesmerized me and I found myself petting it gently with my fingers that were splayed out across the broad chest after attempting to catch myself.

Too late, I realized it was black. Once that realization kicked into my muddled brain, I felt my eyes bulge out of their sockets and I immediately reared back.

Because I'm a clumsy fuck when I'm drunk, I tripped on the metal barrier of the door on the ground and was just about to fall again when a strong hand reached out and latched onto my forearm.

"Fuck, are you always this uncoordinated?" came a rough voice that definitely didn't sound like Trent.

Holy accent.

My eyes slowly lifted, up and up, until they finally rested on a set of azure blue eyes that would have put the clearest of seas to shame.

It was him. The him. Asher.


"Are you going to say something, or are you going to continue eye-fucking me?" came his presumptuous response that had me nearly gasping at the directiveness of his words.

That being said, my mind was so screwed up with alcohol and the sudden appearance of this hot specimen I hadn't seen for hours, I couldn't stop the next words from flying out of my mouth.

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