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Fuck, I was going to kill Amelia.

Those were the first words that came into my mind as I roused awake from the sharp sunlight streaming through the window. The next words? I need a very strong, very black coffee to rid of this impenetrable headache.

I rolled over on the bed and groaned when the movement rattled my brain. After slowly prying my eyes open, I came face to face with a ragged mess of blonde hair.

I laid there for a few moments, trying to piece together where I was and how I got here. Slowly but surely, the events of last night came creeping back into my head, and I groaned again.

Sometime during the party, after the almost-kiss with the dangerous Asher, more alcohol was plunged into my system. Steadily. Oh, that's right. The keg.

Amelia, Katie and I were dared to do keg stands and though the two formers were absolute champs at it, I struggled immensely and ended up coughing the entire time. It still got me rightfully drunk, because the rest of the night ended up being a complete blur.

And now, here I was, lying it what I now realize was Amelia's bed. My fingers twitched to latch onto her hair and pull with all my hungover might.

Had I not caved into Amelia's wishes on going to that stupid party, I would have been completely fine and not nursing the biggest hangover of my life.

With a dejected sigh, I slowly sat up, squinting my eyes at the plundering white light shining through the windows across the room. What the hell time was it, anyway?

After getting off the bed, I dragged my feet to the bathroom and relieved my bladder before vigorously brushing away the foul aftertaste of five too many drinks. I kept a toothbrush here because of how often I stayed with Amelia more than my own house, and in that moment I was utterly grateful.

I finished my business a few minutes later and decided to follow my instincts (and nose) downstairs towards the kitchen. The scent of coffee was strong when I padded closer to the kitchen, my stomach churning at the intoxicating smell.

Before Amelia, Maxwell was my best friend.

Muffled voices could be heard as I neared the entrance, and they continued on even after I'd entered the kitchen. If I cared, I would have rolled my eyes at the scene before me. But, alas, that was beneath me.

Jason and Corinne were sat at the table. Well, really it was Jason sat there while Corinne straddled his lap in what I assume to be some weird pink spandex that barely covered anything. The bunny ears on the table were my only clue as to what her costume must have been.

They were talking in hushed whispers, and giggles could be heard. They didn't even notice me, which was fine because I definitely wasn't in the mood to start a conversation.

I had just poured the coffee into my mug when the unfortunate happened. Mr Tolbert came waltzing in the kitchen, looking astoundingly nice in his tailored suit. Because he came from the entrance I did, I was the first to be noticed.

"Oh, Isabelle!" He stopped mid-stride, fingers halting at the tie around his neck. His eyes briefly swept over the long T-shirt I wore, surprise etched on his face before they landed back on my own. "I didn't realize you had slept over. I would have made more coffee," he said, gesturing towards the newly emptied pot before continuing to fix his tie.

"This cup should do the trick, Mr T." I saluted the mug towards him before taking a sip. Mmm, strong. I usually doused it in milk and sugar, but the hangover taking me under this morning needed that extra kick of caffeine to cure.

"Well, if not, you always know you can make more." I sent him a returning grin when he'd flashed his pearly whites my way. Amelia's father was always such an awesome guy. Charming and lovely - something my own father probably could have used before he'd ran off with another woman.

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