Chapter 5 | Don't make me laugh!

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Morning broke on my third day in metaphorical hell, I had enjoyed my day with Ryan so much we had decided to keep in touch just after one day of talking (which was more like an afternoon). The morning repeated much like day before's in which I ventured downstairs and had more cereal, still retaining it's bland taste.

Unfortunately, unlike the day before Anthony tried to initiate a conversation with me. "Where were you yesterday?" He questioned.

"Out" I replied, my response was as bland as the cereal I was eating.

"Where?" Anthony questioned again in a more stern tone.

"Why do you want to know?" I returned in a question.

"Because I was concerned when you returned so late" he explained trying to soften his tone. "I am your father after all," he continued his tone steady.

I scoffed at the very sentiment of Anthony being my father, "ha. Don't make me laugh Anthony! You revoked all rights to that title when— well you remember what happened" I stated threateningly.

Anthony's eyes softened slightly as his face dropped. Finally, he croaked out "Patricia" in hardly more than a whisper.

Before he could speak another word I pointed with my finger to my left forearm and traced a jagged line down it. At this action Anthony's face turned to one of fear, anger and remorse as the conversation quickly ended.

After I finished my cereal, with a skip in my step I bounded out of Anthony's home and then waited for Ryan. Ryan didn't take long to show up in seemingly identical clothes to what he was wearing the previous day.

"Hi" I called over to Ryan.

"Hey" Ryan responded with an unrelenting smile plastered on his face.

"So do you still have school today?" I questioned motioning to his attire.

"Yeah I do, but I was thinking it's a pretty informal place so I'm pretty sure you could just join the class for a day, or more than one," he proposed. Ryan's suggestion seemed mundane but it was more of a plan than I had, it was preferable than doing nothing.

"Well I have nothing better to do, and I guess it would be better than waiting in the rain for you," I joked back, which was unnatural for me because usually I'd use my emotional blockade for most situations.

Smiles were stretched across both of our faces as we walked to the school building. The building was small about the same size as three terraced houses, painted with a bland grey colour. Inside the building there were three rooms with three different classes each with a different age ranges, I sat in the same class as Ryan the sixteen to eighteen year old range. The class had about twenty students in it that all sat in pairs on tables made for two people.

The lessons in Ryan's class were pretty easy and were made up of pretty simple tasks, meaning I was finished with them extremely quickly. During the day only a few teachers asked who I was and why I was here and my response usually was "I'm here on a trial period while staying with my dad," and after that the teachers usually left me alone.

The lessons were slow and I participated occasionally with the odd correct answer. Thankfully, they were made bearable with the addition of Ryan sat next to me barely engaging in the work.

Ryan seemed like the student who didn't care much for school, but he didn't do this because he couldn't do the work, but rather he didn't focus because he was working ahead of the curriculum. By my guess Ryan could well be the smartest student in the class.

"Hey" Ryan whispered pulling my attention away from the paper I had been writing on.

"What?" I replied back in a whisper.

"Are you bored?" He questioned.

"Yeah, but it's school everyone's bored" I joked back.

"Mister Moore!" A middle aged woman's voice echoed from the front of the classroom shouting Ryan's last name. "Would you like to tell the class what you and the new girl are talking about?" She ordered.

Ryan stood to his feet and replied to the teacher "Well I was asking my friend here, if your lesson wasn't boring her to sleep ma'am." He responded with a confidence not normally presented to someone in authority.

"GET OUT NOW!" The teacher snapped. "Go to the head office now! Although it's got to be a pattern with you mister Moore," her words sent some students into quiet giggles.

Ryan swiftly left his seat and walked towards the door, but not before turning round and saying "Au revoir!" And giving a small bow and walking down the hall.

"Now thats over with--" The teacher tried to continue her class but I interrupted her by the sound of my chair screeching back as I stood up. I paced to the door quickly as the teacher called after me, "miss Walker where are you going? After your delinquent boyfriend?" She mocked while I had my turned back.

Like a switch in my mind, I removed all sense of inhibition and turned on my heel as I replied, "why are you jealous?" I questioned as I paced forward. "Would no man ever stand up for you, would no one ever be seen associated with you. Or are you just afraid of being used?" She reeled back as I walked closer to her. "Or have you already been betrayed by a man? Is that it?" I gave a cruel smile as I turned and headed for the door.

"He'll betray you. They all do," the teacher shouted as I walked.

"Because it happened to you? Don't make me laugh!" I mocked as I walked out the door leaving the room in silence as I headed towards Ryan.

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