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I had headed to Mikey's house,  we were going to work on our science project.  I had opened the door when I heard yelling.

"F*ck you! I never asked to be put in this shit hole!" It was Gerard
"BE GRATEFUL,  YOU DELINQUENT! WE COULD SEND YOU BACK ANYTIME WE WANT" The sounds that came next sickened me. Who ever he was arguing with hit him.  Hard.  I heard the skin on skin.  I ran to the back of the house,  just as the person came storming out.

  I grabbed the spare ladder and climbed to the window.  I knocked on the window.  Mikey opened it,  and I tumbled inside.  There was another bed,  strewn with pens and sketches.  Gerard's. 

"Did you hear what was going on downstairs? Who was that?"
"That's Mitch.  He's our step dad.  He's helping my mom pay for Gerard's adoption fee. "
"Does he abuse Gerard?" I asked as Gerard came up the steps. He had tears in his eyes,  and his arm was swollen.
"Gee? What happened?"
"He fucking broke my arm" He growled.
"OK we're going to a hospital." Mikey grabbed his keys and we headed out the door.

"FUCKING BASTARD! THE ONLY REASON MOM IS DATING THAT SON OF A BITCH IS SO I CAN LIVE HERE! I NEVER EVEN WANTED TO BE HERE! I WAS FINE ON MY OWN!" Gerard was sobbing into his arms. He was shaking,  and his face was red. I kinda just sat there,  not knowing what to do.
We pulled up to the hospital, and we went in. It was pretty empty,  considering we were in the middle of flu season.  We got taken care of pretty fast.  He had a broken arm and Mitch had dislocated his shoulder.

"Can we call your parents?" The doctor asked
"I'm 18.  Legal adult.  No. " He was red in the face,  tears still streaming. 
"what exactly happened?"
"fell off a skateboard. "

We left about half an hour later,  but we stopped for burgers and coffee at McDonald's.  Gerard sat there,  sullen.

  Mikey was going to take us back to his house,  but I asked if he could drop me off.  I didn't leave anything,  so he agreed.

We got to my house,  and I grabbed Gerard's hand.
"What do you want?"
"Cmon we're going somewhere. "
"Fine." He grabbed his coat and hopped out of the car.

I took him to the liquor shop,  then to the Make out Point of New Jersey.  It was a huge hill,  curtained with trees where every highschool aged couple went to :
a) Get Drunk
b) Smoke weed.
C) make out and have sex.

While he browsed for alcohol,  I went to the bathroom to heave up what little I ate at McDonald's.  I never ate,  but if I did,  I would vomit as soon as possible.

I came out,  sweaty and pale. I grabbed a tiny bottle of Jack Daniel's,  a Coke,  a small bottle of Schnapps and a Butterfinger.  I was dizzy from vomiting so I made an exception for chocolate. 

He had a large bottle of vodka, coke and Mentos.   We put our stuff on the counter,  and I paid.  $23. 47.  We drove up to Make Out Point and had ourselves a little party. 
We lay out on the hood of my car, stargazing.  He was drinking his vodka,  I was finishing off my Jack and Coke.  We blew up the other coke,  because we were drunk teenagers.  It was a nice night.

He had just taken a huge swig of vodka and sat up. 
"Holy fucking shit. I'm gay. "

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