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Third person's POV

              Naruto stood in front the ginormous, black, metal cage. The girl a bit startled by the deep and booming voice stepped back, but quickly regained her composure. "Are you the kyuubi?" she questioned in a quiet, yet surprisingly calm and confidents voice. "YES..., HOW DID YOU KNOW?" the nine-tailed fox was quite perplexed. Everybody thought of the child as an idiot, but the human's question made him question his understanding on the being who carried his seal. "Well... the villagers always call me a demon and they told me that I killed their family members the day I was born, the day you appeared. Adding to that, can you be killed? I mean... you are a being made entirely of chakra, right?" Naruto thought out laud. "NO, WE CANNOT" the kyuubi interrupted her by confirming her suspicions, but Naru just continued her trail of thoughts. "Sooo..., there are more of you, chakra beasts? Since you have 9 tails, does that mean that there is a one-tails and a two-tails and so on?" she wondered. The fox was too stunned to do anything, but nod in confirmation to what the 4-year old said. The girl as if not seeing the expression on the fox's face continued with her analysis of the situation "...if there are more of you, there has to be more people like me, right?" she looked up to the beast with hopeful eyes. The beast sighed, but answered the curious girl "YES, YOU ARE INDEED CORRECT. PEOPLE LIKE YOU, WHO HAVE A SOMETHING SEALED INSIDE THEM ARE CALLED JINCHURIKI"

Little Naru was quiet for a few minutes trying to understand the situation she is in, and the information she just got. A little time passed, Naruto opened her mouth again, but this time, she spoke so quietly, as if to herself. The beast's hearing was exceptionally good, so it did not have any problems hearing the child but was astonished to what the child said. "Is their life... as hard as mine? Maybe harder? Are they shunned by their villages as well? Even though they did not do anything? Are they being hated, neglected, taken for what is inside them? Are they alone, as well? Or is their life better? ... I hope so..."

'THIS CHILD... HER LIFE IS SO DIFFICULT... AND YET, SHE STILL WORRIES FOR OTHERS. SHE IS DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHER HUMANS, SHE HAS A GOOD HEART... MAYBE THAT IS THE HUMAN FATHER WAS TALKING ABOUT?' Even though the fox's mind was clouded with millions of questions, he did not try to answer the girl but instead decided to place some trust in her, for now. He pitied her a little, no child should have gone through what she did... no, no one should go through what she did.

Naruto decided to ask a little more, to see how much the fox will answer her. "Kyuubi..." Naru halted his speech, when a frown appeared on the beast's face, but continued after she decided it was safe. "tell me... please. The real reason. "FOR WHAT?" the nine-tails snarled back. "for the attack 4 years ago. I do not believe you attacked just because you felt like it or you were still angry for being sealed".

The kyuubi was taken aback. "YOU ARE INDEED RIGHT... AGAIN" he muttered the last part, as if to himself. "I DID NOT WANT TO ATTACK THE VILLAGE, I WAS MANIPULATED BY A MAN THAT RIPPED ME OUT OF MY PREVIOUS JINCHURIKI. HE CALLED HIMSELF MADARA UCHICHA, BUT... THAT WAS NOT BE HIM EVEN THOUGH ME HAD THE MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN, I AM SURE OF IT." Exclaimed the irritated fox. "I knew it. Your eyes are too good." The kyuubi did not know why the child believed he has a good side, but he did not complain. Instead he decided to help the little missy achieve her dream, as she was the second human in his everlasting existence that wanted and tried to understand him. "KIT, DO YOU HAVE A DREAM?" The child smiled at the question, looked up at him and said "Yes, yes I have. I have two actually... see, I dream big, but I believe... I believe I will be able to achieve my dreams. I want to become a strong kunoichi, help protect the people I care about and finally be accepted by the village. I also want to stop the constant wars and the treatment, us jinchurikis, get. Those are my dreams." The kyuubi was silent for a few minutes thinking through what she said, 'those are indeed big dreams, but she... just might be able to achieve them'. "GOOD, I WILL HELP YOU. I WILL SHARE WITH YOU MY KNOWLEDGE AND TEACH YOU." Naruto looked at him wide-eyed, "Really?! You will?!" "HN, ONE MORE THING KIT, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR PARENTS ARE?" Naruto lowered her head and in a slightly sadder tone answered the question, "Yes I know who they are, the Yondaime Hokage, the Yellow Flash of Konocha, Minato Namikaze and a woman named Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Death of Konocha, the previous jinchurikis... am I right?" She lifted her head to look the beast in the eyes, with her own ones filled with pain. "YES, AND I AM SORRY ABOUT YOUR PARENTS." The child studied him for a while but then eye smiled and said, "it was not your fault, you were controlled." As she finished the sentence her body started flickering and slowly fading. She panicked, since she had no idea what was happening, but the beast quickly calmed her down. "IT IS OKEY KIT. YOU ARE JUST WAKING UP. DO NOT WORRY WE CAN STILL TALK TELEPATHICALLY. AFTER ALL, I AM IN YOUR MIND." She calmed down a bit, but then realized something 'God, I never even asked for his name!' "Wait! What is your name?!" The ferocious fox was astounded by her question yet again, but he shook it off and answered quietly, as if in deep thoughts "KURAMA". The child did not hear, so she asked him to repeat. "KURAMA, THAT IS MY NAME" Naruto did not have time to answer, as she completely vanished from her mind.


(A/N) Hi, I am going to try to post something every week. One chapter maybe two.

~ Venecila

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