The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street

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This an interpretation of the painting of the same name by Giorgi de Chirico.

The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street

The Sun shines from the right

on a Girl transfigured by the Sun to Shadow.

Running into a Shadow darker than Night,

she pushes a hoop with a stick.

Behind the Girl transfigured by the Sun to Shadow

her hair flows Behind Her as

she pushes the hoop with a stick

toward the setting Sun Before Her.

Her hair flows Behind Her as

a shadow moves in from the right

(toward the setting Sun Before Her).

The Shadow of the building on the right

is darker than the night.

The Shadow moves in from the Right.

Beneath a flag that flies above it

the Shadow of the building on the right

is darker than the night.

Behind it, a Wagon waits with Open Doors.

Beneath the flag,

a Long Building glows white in the Setting Sun.

In the shade the Wagon waits with Open Doors,

towards which the Girl with the Hoop Runs.

She is frozen in mid-stride,

running into that Shadow Darker than the Night.

The Long Building has many small windows,

upon which the Sun shines from the right.

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