A thing to note is that; I'm an ARMY. And I'm so done with ARMYs.
Yes, even though I'm multifandom and may seem so Seventeen biased atm, it doesn't change the fact that I'm an ARMY.
Before you get butthurt and say that I'm a fake fan then please note that everyone and everything has flaws.
Without further ado, let's begin this topic!
; hoseok is not a horse
for the nth time, he is a human being. You all ,well, most of you probably know that Hoseok was sad that he was related to a horse and even though you guys laughed at the 'joke', he, although being hurt, laughed at it as well.
he never showed his feelings about that but he did, recently.
have you seen the BT21 characters?
well,here is MANG, Hoseok 's character.
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have you ever thought why the character is wearing a horse mask or whatever you call it?
some of you may already know and for those who don't, it's because most of us related to him as a horse and didn't see his real face/self(?) and we(?) were the ones who put the mask on him and he just played along cr to the person who found out the meaning.
I don't know if it's the real meaning but Hoseok did feel hurt so please don't write 'horseok' or smth :)
; 'eu'
This is quite popular and every new ARMY knows this.
"I crieu " "my hearteu " "sorryeu "
please, stop. go get some help. Why don't you write in a normal way? If you want to show that you love BTS or smth then please choose a different way :)
; wars
so, aren't we quite famous for being immature? we fight with others over the smallest things.
even though some of us may be mature, there are a lot of immature armys so only a few know that we aren't stupid.
on Instagram , the fans were fighting with each other over Suga's arm being touched by an interviewer called Chelsea. This isn't a famous topic but I was a part of it so I know.
They were all so possessive like, oml she just grabbed his arm for support so that she doesn't fall. They were cursing at her and telling her to die.
side note: telling someone to die is not really a good thing. please think thrice before saying it. some people won't take it as a joke. In actuality, you should refrain from telling someone to die.
we legit fight with ourselves. some were like there's no problem and the rest were like it is a problem!
and one comment, which really shook me was that a girl, a woman to be precise, commented that they probably had sex with women you don't even know
that triggered me. she claimed herself to be a fan of kpop since 10 years? How come she didn't know that Koreans are really sensitive about these matters? Maybe she didn't see how shy they're around girls? They don't even want to go near girls because they're so shy.
Did she think they were acting all the time?
If I see anyone comment something like that and pretend to be a really old kpop fan then I won't be able to calm myself down no matter which group the person comments about.
Anyways, we gotta fix our reputation ;-; there are a lot of nice, supportive armys out there. I hope we change into better people, every day.
; Jin is a man, therefore,a prince not a princess.
stop calling him a princess, please! can't you see his princely, no, heaven-like looks?
if you didn't know, princess is feminine, hence, used for females. The word prince is masculine hence, used for males. (this is sarcasm, don't get triggered)
note: I had to update this book even though I was busy because I got new readers? thaaaanks for the support!
don't kill me after reading all this, bye and take care!
see you guys in the next update ( probably in April? )