Alright friends, hope you're all ready for the next chapter! Again, thank you for all your comments and votes!
Song of the chapter is, "The Gravel Road," by James Newton Howard from the Motion Picture The Village.
"Jesus Christ Bowie I'm freezing my nuts off.""You never had any to begin with."
David growls lowly to him. I roll my eyes. There's no rushing Bowie. He's got a method to his madness that I know better than to disturb.
Lander is trailing behind Bowie, trying to double check, but also trying to learn. David huffs and jumps off the boulder that he has been sitting on and looks around. "It's not here, we're going to have to go further down the line."
Bowie dips his nose into the air, his long hair running past his ears tilting. The sunlight catches his hair so you can see the braids mixed in with his thick black strands that blend together in the darkness of the forest.
He walks some more while David paces. David's never been a patient wolf. He's learning, but even in his years of growing better at self-control, his pacing still drives me up the damn wall.
"David you're going to wear a hole in the ground," I tell him.
"We ought to go further down the line."
"It's going to be too dark soon," Lander says. He's right.
We decided the best course of action was one of thoroughness. We couldn't just pin things on Jeremiah if he truly wasn't his fault. We also had to consider that this could be more widespread than just the pack lines that separate us. For the last few weeks, Bowie has combed over the pack lines and narrowed it down to a few places, this spot close to Emmett's borders, being one of those places. Which makes it interesting.
If we find evidence here it means that it's more widespread than we think.
I look to Lander who shakes his head. His waves are turning to curls on top of his head but he says Claire likes it so he refuses to cut it. I let my mother trim my own locks back last night, my father seemed to approve but also told my mother not to "maim," me. It doesn't fall to my ears now, which makes it harder to pull at when I'm frustrated, which pisses me off.
I still love my mother, even if she half-maimed me.
"It's here," Lander says. "It's just traces, like a whisper."
"It was here," Bowie corrects.
"Finally he speaks!" David half spats. He's got two knives tucked into holders around his calves; holders that his father passed onto him. They shift with him so he doesn't have worry about being without his second set of claws. The vampires tell me they're still working on clothes that will shift with us, but apparently, that's trickier. Derek said the last wolf to test them almost choked because he got so caught up in his shirt mid-shift. At least the leather works for the trackers, it's been treated so it already has a stretch to it. Derek says that they're going to try using leather next time or the skin of a marine animal, more stretch to it which I guess is what the witches need.
Walk The Line
Werewolf**YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THE BITE FIRST TO READ THIS** When strange events start happening on the pack line, Levi Alexander Thorne is eager to prove to his father Luca, alpha of the Tikanni pack, that he can handle it. But what Levi didn't expect...