Love Like This- A Niall Horan Fanfiction

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"LEEYUM!" I shouted.

"MELISSA!" Liam had shouted back. "I am so excited for you to come meet the boys!"

"Me too! I'm actually getting in the car now! I will be there very shortly!" I was meeting Liam's band for the first time tonight. Liam was my best friend ever. We did absolutely everything together. Until, he left for the X Factor. I was heart-broken when my best friend left me. This was the first time I was seeing him in 1 year. 

Finally, I arrived at the apartment. I looked around because Liam promised to meet me out here. Then I saw him, it almost brought me too tears<3

"Is that Melissa?!" He shouted. Then I ran into his arms and he spun me around.

"I missed you so much!" He put me down and wiped the tear of my face. "Come meet the boys, love."

I secretly loved One Direction. But, I would never tell Liam because that'd be creepy. I know everything there is to know about them- Height, Birthdays, Relationship statuses. I am directioner!

We walked in and all the boys came and said hello. Niall came out of the bathroom and was starring at me weirdly..

"Hi, I'm Melissa. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "Why do you keeping looking at me funny?" I giggled.

"Sorry, I don't mean to stare, love! Your just very very beautiful!" He made me blush.

We all sat around and talked for a bit. I was really enjoying myself! Liam's arm around me and we were all having a great time. Niall kept staring at me and Liam, like he was jealous or something. Then, everyone went to bed and I tried sleeping on the couch. After an hour of tossing and turning, Niall came out of his room.

"Hey." He whispered. I jumped up.

"You scared me! Hey, whats up?" I said. He said how he couldn't sleep. So we started watching movies together. Then Niall pushed my hair out of the way and kissed me. Not even 3 seconds into the kiss, we were full-on making out. On top of each other and everything.

Once we stopped, I finally fell asleep in his arms. I wasn't even that interested in Niall. This is my best friends band mate? I don't think I wanted to start anything so I just wouldn't mention it.

I dreamed about Niall. It was the most peaceful and beautiful dream. He held me close the whole night, &  I really liked it.

The next morning, Niall and I were laying on the couch still sleeping. Liam walked down to me laying on Niall's chest and our arms wrapped tightly around each other.

"NIALL. Get up now. You just met her!" Liam screamed.

We both jumped up and Niall buttoned his shirt back up and we just smiled at each other. Liam was so mad the whole morning. But, the weird  thing was.. I wasn't his girlfriend.  Why is he jealous? I have too talk to him about this...

Love Like This- A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now