Meeting my new mate

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*maddie POV*
What no this can't be happening I have a mate but he is a jerk!
"What!" Me and Jezzie yell at the same time we are always in sync with each other (this is very true in real life)
"I'm your mate Maddie and may I say your perfect" Isaac said with a wink. "Hey bro our mate are best friends" Isaac said to his brother Elijah.
"Hey Elijah why don't we  get out of here and leave the love birds?" Jezzie asked with a smirk on her face I hate her so much right now. "You better not leave me" I told Jezzie though our mind link.
   "Sure let's go baby girl" Elijah said "bye Maddie" Jezzie called to me as I she walk out of the door. She is so going die when she get home home.
" can I take you out on a date tonight at 6:00?" Isaac asked me. "I'm not sure." I said back I don't want to get hurt again my other mate Broke my heart.
" Hey is it because of your other asshole mate because I promise I won't hurt you like that fool Maddie let me take you out on a date tomorrow please" he said "okay I will go on a date with you tomorrow"
Me and Isaac spent two hours watching diabolical lovers one of my favorite shows when the door open. Jezzie and Elijah come in laughing and looking In each other eyes. Jezzie is so falling for him "Isaac you ready to go" Elijah asked "let's go brother"
"See you tomorrow for our date at 7:00" both Elijah and Isaac said at the same time "what?"
Me and Maddie asked.
"We thought we can go on a double date" Isaac said. "Sounds good" Jezzie answered "okay bye ladies" Elijah said "bye" me and Jezzie said at the same time and look at each other and started laughing. Elijah and Isaac look at us then each other and playfully rolled they eyes and walk out. 5 mins later me and Jezzie looked at each other we started jump and squealing.

Guys Maddie and Jezzie are going on a date with Elijah and Isaac. Hope you guys like this chapter until the next time bye guys,

My alpha mate rejected me book 1Where stories live. Discover now