Chapter 21

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Jon and I headed to our locker room quickly. The shield has a match against Evolution tonight and I will be at ringside. We barged into the locker room and I quickly changed into something nice for their match.

 We barged into the locker room and I quickly changed into something nice for their match

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I did my hair and added a little makeup. I left the bathroom and saw the guys stretching.

"The shield an Evolution to the ramp. The shield and Evolution to the ramp."

Jon grabbed my hand and the four of us left the locker room and headed to our entrance spot. When we got there, I saw Evolution making their way tot he ring. I laughed a little making the guys look at me.

"Why are you laughing?" Colby asked. "It's just weird being at ringside for you guys when you're in a match against my dad," I answered. They nodded and our theme went off. We headed down the stairs as the crowd cheered for us. We got to the barricade and Jon helped me over. I kissed his cheek and gave the guys a quick hug before going over to commentary. I grabbed a headset and sat next to JBL.

"Looks like Nicki will be joining us," JBL said. "Yup." "How are you and Dean going?" Jerry asked. "We're still going strong. I love him so much you have no idea." "How long have you been engaged now?" Michael Cole asked. "About 3 months now." "Any ideas when the wedding will be?" JBL asked. "Not yet." "On to another topic, what's your opinion on this match?" Cole asked. "Well, since everyone knows that Triple H is my dad, I honestly find it weird since I'm here cheering on the shield. I mean, I love my dad and all, but the shield are my family. I can't just leave them behind." They nodded. I payed attention to the match. Randy and Jon were in the ring. Jon had the upper hand. He bounced off the ropes and went for a clothesline, but Randy reversed it and hit Jon with a drop kick. Randy faced me and winked. I gave a disgusted look. Jon must have seen since he looked pissed. He charged after Randy and constantly punched him.

"What was that all about?" Jerry asked. "I don't know. Dean Ambrose is one crazy guy," JBL said. I couldn't help but laugh a little. I looked back over at the ring. Randy had Jon on the mat. He went to his corner and tagged in my dad. Jon crawled over to his corner, but my dad pulled him away and started punching him. Dad threw Jon to the ropes. Jon bounced off them and hit my dad with a forearm. Jon went to his corner and tagged in Joe.


During this whole match, Michael Cole has been talking non stop about Jon being all crazy. It was getting really annoying.

"It seems to me, that every time Ambrose is in the ring, he gets crazier," Cole said. "Oh my god. Just shut up Cole," I blurted out. The three announcers looked over at me. "Cole, throughout the entire match, you've been talking about Dean being all crazy and it's getting on my nerves. Yes, Dean is crazy and that's one of the things I love about him. I'm gonna warn you, if you ever talk about Dean like that in front of me one more time, I will beat the hell out of you." That shut him up. "Nicki, thank you!!" Jerry exclaimed. "Anytime Jerry." I gave him a smile.

I looked back up at the ring and saw Joe getting ready to spear Batista. Batista turned around and Joe speared him. He went for the pin.


The bell rand and Colby and Jon slid in the ring. I stood up and took the headset off before entering the ring. I gave Joe and Colby a hug and kissed Jon. I pulled back and hugged him. We left the ring and went backstage.

The Boss's Daughter~Dean Ambrose aka Jon Good love story~FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now