Chapter 1

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Walking into the arena, I made my way to my dad's office. I knocked on the door and head a muffled 'come in'. I walked inside and took a seat across from my dad. He looked up from his desk and smiled at me.

"Nicki, I'm glad you're here," he said. "Well, you said you wanted to see me." "Thad I did." "Yeah. So what did you want?" "Tonight, you are facing Paige for the Divas title." I was shocked. "Seriously?!" He chuckled. "Yeah. You deserve it." "Thank you so much daddy!!" I exclaimed while giving him a hug. "You're welcome sweetie." I let go of the hug. "Can the shield be at ringside?" I asked. "Sure." I smiled. I was about to leave, but then I remembered something. I turned around and faced my dad.

"Dad, when is my match?" "It's the third match." I nodded. "Okay. Thank." "You're welcome." I walked out of his office and ran to the shield's locker room. Once I got there, I barged in. Jon, Colby, and Joe were sitting there looking at me as if I was high on something.

"Okay, you're either happy to see us, or you got a title shot," Colby said. "I'm always happy to see you guys. And I did get a title shot." "That's incredible babe," Jon said. "I know. I was in shock when my dad told me." "Do you want us to be at ringside?" Joe asked. "Of course." "So when is your match?" Colby asked. "It's the third match tonight." "Then shouldn't you start getting ready? Raw starts in a few minutes," Jon said looking up from his phone. "That would probably be a good idea. Did you guys bring my bag in for me?" "Yeah. It's over by the bathroom," Joe answered. I nodded and headed to the bathroom. I searched through my bag and found my ring attire. I went in the bathroom and changed. I fixed my hair and added a little makeup. When I finished, I exited the bathroom and saw the guys watching Raw. I walked over to them and sat down next to Jon. He wrapped his arms around me as I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Jon asked me. "Yes but I'm nervous." "Don't be. Colby, Joe, and I will be out their at ringside cheering you on. We believe in you." Hearing Jon say that made me feel a little better. I looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Thanks Jon. I needed to hear that." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He smiled. "You're welcome baby," he replied and kissed my head.

"Nicki and Paige to the ramp. Nicki and Paige to the ramp." I heard my name being called and got up leaving the locker room with Jon, Colby, and Joe following behind me. When we got to the ramp, I noticed Paige already there and warming up. She smirked at me making me glare at her. "Nicki, don't worry about her now. Once you get in that ring, that's when you can destroy her," Colby said. I heard Paige laugh as her music went off. She walked down the ramp and into the ring. My music went and I heard the audience go wild. I walked down the ramp with the shield behind me. I slid in the ring and glared at Paige. I made my way over to the shield before the match started.

"Good luck Nicki," Colby and Joe said. "Good luck babe. You got this," Jon said then kissed my cheek.


Paige had the upper hand. I slowly got up and faced her. She ran towards me about to hit me with a clothesline. I ducked at the last second and hit her with a drop kick. "COME ON NICKI!!!!" Jon, Joe, and Colby yelled. Paige got up and I hit her with another drop kick. Once I knew she was down, I looked over at the guys and smirked. They knew what I was gonna do. Paige got up slowly and turned around. I hit her with a spear and went for the pin.


"And your winner, and the new Divas champion, Nicki!!!!" My theme went off as I was announced the winner. Jon, Colby, and Joe slid in the ring as I was handed the championship belt. I can't believe it. I'm Divas champion!! The guys gave me a group hug. We let go and Jon picked me up and spun me around. Once he set me down, he kissed me making the audience scream. I pulled back and smiled at him. All of us exited the ring and made our way up the ramp. As we made it in the back, I saw April and Natalya heading over towards me.

"Congrats Nicki!!" they exclaimed while attacking me in a hug. "Thanks Nattie and April!" I hugged them back. We let go and they smiled at me. "We need to go out an celebrate after the show," April said. "Yeah. Definitely." "Sweet. Well, we have a match. We'll see you later," Nattie said. I nodded and went back to the shield's lock room. We went inside and I collapsed on the couch. Jon sat down next me and wrapped his arm around me.

"That was a great match babe. Congrats on the win," he said and kissed my head. "Thanks Jon." "If we're going out to celebrate your victory, you should probably get ready," Colby said. "Fine," I said with a sigh. I got up and went through my bag for an outfit. I found a nice dress and a pair of heels and went to the bathroom to shower. When I got out, I changed into my outfit, fixed my hair, and did my makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom and when Jon saw me, his jaw dropped making me giggle

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I walked out of the bathroom and when Jon saw me, his jaw dropped making me giggle. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Wow Nicki. You look incredible," Jon said. I blushed and looked down. He lifted my chin and started leaning in. Our lips met and I still felt butterflies in my stomach. I pulled back and smiled. "I love you Jon." "I love you too baby." "Alright love birds. Raw is over. Let's go," Joe said. Jon and I glared at him. "Way to ruin the moment Joe," I told him. He just smiled innocently. Jon grabbed my hand and the four of us left the locker room and met up with Nattie and April by the diva's locker room.

"Hey girls," I said as we approached them. "Hey Nicki." We hugged. "And no 'hey' for us?" Colby asked. "We were getting there," April replied. We all laughed and left the arena. We got in our cars and headed off towards the club.

The Boss's Daughter~Dean Ambrose aka Jon Good love story~FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now