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What am I?: :)
Brendononononon: ::)
What am I?: wtf brendon
Brendononononon: don't insult the smiling alien! The smiling alien loves you!
What am I changed their username to THE smiling alien™ 👽
Brendononononon: why Ryan why
THE smiling alien™ 👽: who is this Ryan you speak of?
THE smiling alien™ 👽: this is urgent information human
Brendononononon: I'm going to sleep good night smiling alien ::( (btw the smiling alien has four eyes)
Brendononononon: and is now sad
THE smiling alien™ 👽: the smiling alien has no emotions
THE smiling alien™ 👽: and they don't sleep
THE smiling alien™ 👽: and there is no alien emoji with four eyes stupid
THE smiling alien™ 👽: great you made me break character you ass

I don't love you? ➜ rydenWhere stories live. Discover now