Snowed In

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Jake and Dirk had been planning this date for weeks, countless hours of planning between the two of them had been put into this night. Only for there to be a terrible blizzard, trapping the two of them indoors.

"Well, this is one way to spend a birthday." Dirk said, setting down two mugs of hot cocoa on the coffee table. He plopped down on the couch next to Jake, who was already curled up in a blanket. Neither of them did too well when it came to cold weather, which meant their joint apartment complex had blankets and heaters in every room, especially during the winter.

"I do say," Jake reached for his mug, which was a soft green in color (per his request, green was still Jake's favorite color even after the game). "Though I don't really mind staying here instead." Jake continued, sipping from his cup before making a face. It was way too hot to be drinkable, so Jake opted to wrapping his hands around the mug.

He moved the blanket from around his shoulder, allowing Dirk to climb inside Jake's warm cocoon as the movie in front of them started. Jake raised an eyebrow when the first words of the movie were spoken, turning to face Dirk. "I didn't know you liked sappy love stories." He said, nudging Dirk softly.

"Hey, shut up and watch the movie." Dirk frowned, taking off his shades and placing them on the coffee table next to his mug. He'd wait until it cooled down, or forget about it all together. Whichever came first.

"Alright alright, I'll be quiet." Jake said with a sigh, taking a sip of his cooling hot chocolate. He leaned back into the couch cushions, bringing Dirk with him until the two of them were tangled in a mess of blankets and limbs. Jake wasn't complaining, this setup was certainly better than the high end date they'd been planning. Though he was upset at losing those reservations.

Once the movie had ended and mugs had been drained, Jake found himself growing sleepy as he rested his head on Dirk's chest. Suffice to say they hadn't just watched the movie, the two of them hadn't seen each other all week thanks to their busy schedules running the Carapace kingdom.

The two of them lay in silence, the snow falling softly outside and the wind rattling the windows. "Y'know, I still don't know how Jane convinced us to live here." Dirk said with a soft chuckle, running a hand through Jake's curly hair.

"Yeah," Jake mumbled into Dirk's chest. He leaned into Dirk's touch. Even after years of being close to Dirk he still found himself longing for physical contact. Jake guessed that was left over from his first 16 years spent alone on an island. "It always bugs me how the winters turn out though, can't we just go back to the Island?" Jake asked, looking up at Dirk with large puppy dog eyes.

"I think Jane needs us here, plus we both gotta get used to y'know not being isolated." Dirk said almost sarcastically, leaning down to kiss Jake's forehead.

Jake frowned, human interactions were still a work in progress for both of them. But Jake especially preferred to keep to himself, he would rather be exploring the dark depths of a cave rather then be at a social event. "Alrighty, but only because you insist." Jake snuggled back down into Dirk's chest, letting him pet his hair while movies continued to play in the background.

This was nice, as new as it was. All things considered Jake's rekindling with Dirk could have gone a lot worse. At least now the two of them were at home, safe in each other's arms. No more deadly game, no more impending doom. They were safe, and that's all they needed.

This is super short and really shitty I didn't proof read it. I apologize for how many plot holes there are too, just assume it's pre like??? Snapchat update where Jake's ass is on TV I guess??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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