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Keep reading and voting on my book and other books please.-Nia

Quan p.o.v
Sitting in lakeiths dorm room with Keith and Elijah

Me: give me one

Lakeith passed me a orange pill and gave some to Keith

Elijah: you sure you want him to try

Me: yes nigga

Keith: what is this

We all looked at eachother and then looked at Keith

Me: relax Keith it ain't that bad

Keith: I-

Lakeith: let's just say it will make you a different person

Keith: I don't man. I read my fortune and it told me not take this shit

Me: fine Keith fine

Elijah took it first. Then me and last Lakeith did it too

Me: see nothing happened bro

Keith: fine..pass me that water bottle

We all watched him put the orange pill on his tongue and take two sips of water.

Lakeith: see bro it wasn't that bad

Keith: yeah
End p.o.v

Bianca p.o.v
I am in the deans office with kiloni..we are waiting for Keith to come

Dean Robinson: where is Keith

Woody: he texted me saying he would be here

Me: maybe his class running over or something

Kiloni: or he is with his bitch

Dean Robinson: ...okay well I gu-

The door busted open with Keith laughing and he started walking funny

Woody: where yo ass been

Keith ignored him

Dean Robinson: okay well Keith you know you are in trouble right

Keith: for what

Kiloni: whatchu mean for what..you know what yo ass did

Keith: ohh that nude stuff..(laughs) I ain't do that

Me: boy if you do-

Dean Robinson: imma just give you a two day pass to stay away from ms lee

Keith: fine

..now walking to the south of campus

Kiloni: that nigga was high as hell

Me: mhmm
End p.o.v

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