The party

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Yui finished working on her work. Then got a text that Edward is here.

When Yui and Lou head out the office, Lou was happy to see Charlie. He had blonde hair, same skin as Edward, same height as Lou and he wore a business attire outfit with a blue thin tie. Edward wore business attire also.

"Wow You two are handsome," Yui said.

"yep," Charlie smiled.

"Lets go," Edward said.

The drive to Jays starship records was fifteen minutes. Yui and Lou were nervous.
When the four arrived at Jays starship records, Yui and Lou were excited to spend time with Edward and Charlie. Lou and Yui went into the dressing room to put there dresses on, Yui and Lou put on there outfit they bought last night. Yui had her hair in a bun with small curls on the side. Lou had curls and a white head band.

After getting ready, Yui and Lou arrived at the banquet hall where Edward and Charlie was waiting for them. The hall was decorated with Christmas decorations. There were fancy tables and seats, waitress, a large chandelier, a stage ramp for the choir , Orchrestra and everything.

 There were fancy tables and seats, waitress, a large chandelier, a stage ramp for the choir , Orchrestra and everything

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"Wow Yui! You are looking gorgeous!" Edward said.

"Thanks Edward." Yui said blushing.

"Hey Charlie, I'm here too." Lou said.

"My Lou also looks great." Charlie chuckles.

"Mr. Wilson everyone is waiting inside." His manager told them.

"Yes we are coming." He said. "Come on let's go. All of them entered the hall where everyone was waiting for them, Edward, Charlie, Lou and Yui walked hand in hand and the women and children who were present there had a look of jealousy on their faces. Most of the guests present were vampires and some humans.

"See those women, men and children's faces. They are so jealous of us." Lou said and winked.

"Lou!" Yui said and chuckles.

A man came up to Edward, He has long white hair and is dressed up professional. Also a women who has white long hair, her hair in a bun with a flower band around it. She is wearing a white maxi dress and black heels.

"Hey, Edward how's your day?," The man asked.

"Good as always, congrats on your engagement," He said.

"Thanks, let's sit at the same table," The man said.

"Okay, Karl," Edward said. Comon Yui.

"Come along Lou," Charlie smiled.

"Okay," The two girls said as Yui got frightened that she knew it was Karlheinz which is the brothers father.

Everybody sat the table. Then Karl announced.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, today we all have gathered here to celebrate the boy group who got accepted at Jays starship records. There my sons and are six who  have marked their band in both the worlds either its the human or the Vampire world. So please make a huge round of applause for my sons. Please put your hands together for the Sakamaki family." Karlheinz said. Shall we bring my sons. Yui's and Lou's heart started to beat really fast, there hands became cold and the blood in there veins froze, so Yui held her breath when the door opened and 6 young, attractive men entered the hall. Yui didn't wanted to believe that what was happening was true, her worst fear came back to haunt her. She was glad Subaru is here and Lou wanted to see him.

"Welcome all of you, it's nice to meet you all." Edward said to all of them.

"Thanks Edward, it's nice to see you again." Ayato said.

"Come on Yui and Lou lets meet them." Charlie said to Lou. I know it's scary it's okay.

"Charlie you go." Lou said afraid.

"Why are you so shy? But come on." Charlie said dragging Lou with her.

"Hello everybody I am Charlie nice to meet you all". Charlie said introducing herself.

"This is my Son Charlie ." Edward said. "And I would like to introduce my beautiful fiancee Yui Komori and her daughter Lou.

The brothers' gaze turned to Yui who had fear in her eyes. Ayato and the others were shocked to see her. Ayato tried to be calm. And not to lose his temper he changed his expression and smiled.

"I might say that your fiancée is really beautiful. Also her daughter is absolutely cute. Nice to meet you Lou Komori and Miss Komori". Ayato said and smiled that was a fake one. Then Lou smiled and waved at Subaru who smiled.

"Lou really is beautiful in that outfit," Subaru said in his head.

"I'm glad Subaru is here and I hope he's protecting us," Yui said in her head.

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