Chapter 43 Part 1

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^Haha, Hudson's favorite.


What. The. Fuck?

Was she serious? 

My mouth was agape as Diana stared down at me with the most serious look I had seen her give me since I woke up.

"I'm very serious, darlin'."

I swallowed hard and stared at the sparkling marble floor. What should I do?

My heart plummeted as I realized the only choice I had was to stay up here so Hudson could live. I couldn't let my desire for my mate destroy the pack. They needed him.

Five hundred people depended on him to take care of them. If he died, they would be lost and the pack would fall in a matter of days.

But what would happen if I didn't return? 

The griffins were probably still looking for me, and they would not believe Hudson if he told them I was gone.

 Going to war was inevitable, whether I returned or not.

That meant that even if I didn't return, Hudson still had a possibility of dying in battle because he would be weak – the mate bond breaking would tear him apart. 

Suddenly, his words echoed in my head: "I want you to promise me that if something happens out will come back to me. I don't care if I die the next moment, I just want to see you again."

Oh Moon Goddess, why were there pros and cons to both choices? Why couldn't it be something easier?

"You need some more time, Alexis? You don't have to make the decision right away," Diana said softly, tracing the designs on her staff with her fingertips.

I sighed, "Yes, please." 

She smiled kindly, "You have two days to make a decision. Don't disappoint me, Alexis. You know what to do deep down. Follow that gut feeling."

Then, she disappeared with a burst of moon dust. 

I exhaled quietly and stared at the ceiling, wondering why Hudson and I could never catch a break. There was always something trying to break us apart.

We couldn't just have a normal mateship.

"Ms. Alexis?"

I sat up to find an elderly woman standing at the door with a warm smile on her face. I quickly stood up and walked over to her curiously, "Hi, ma'am. Can I help you?"

She chuckled, "Call me Autumn, Ms. Alexis. After all, you are the future Moon Goddess. Therefore, you are my superior."

I shook my head, "I would prefer if you called me Alexis. I'm still a normal wolf, Autumn."

The smile on Autumn's face grew, "I see why she chose you. Now, come along, dear. I want to show you something."

She led me out of the throne room and down the hallway to another set of double doors.

"This is the library. We have information on all the Moon Goddesses here and their biographies," Autumn said, unlocking the door and letting it swing open.  I stepped inside and looked around the room in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. The shelves were handmade with intricate carvings on them that seemed to tell a story of their own.

Autumn directed me to a table that had two chairs on one side and handed me the cup that was sitting there, "Lemon tea, dear? It will calm your nerves." 

I took it gratefully and watched her scour the shelves for something. When she didn't find it, she snapped her fingers and a book flew off one of the shelves and into her outstretched hand.

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