Chapter 49

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"Hudson, we don't even know how far along I am. So stop babying me!" 

I chuckled to myself and turned around to face my beautiful mate, who seemed very annoyed, even though I didn't know why.

All I was doing was cooking, cleaning,.........and basically doing everything for her.

She sipped the herbal tea I had made her and gave me a glare as I raised my eyebrow in amusement.

"Something wrong, beautiful?" I asked, putting my knife down. 

She growled under her breath and stomped her foot, "Don't you have anything else to do? You're an Alpha. Don't you have paperwork to finish or people to call?"

I shook my head, "Not to worry, I woke up at four this morning so I could finish early."

"You've just thought of everything, haven't you?" She huffed, laying her head on the island. 

I kissed the top of her head, "You and our pup are my top priority. I don't want you straining yourself or getting hurt somehow. You're very delicate right now."

She gave me a deadly glare.

"And moody," I added, turning around so I wouldn't have to see her stare daggers.

 Even though I had only found out she was pregnant yesterday, I could already feel my overprotective Alpha instincts kick in.  My wolf was extremely pleased with the idea of a pup, but he was also worried. He didn't want anything to go wrong and if that meant wrapping Alexis up in several layers of bubble wrap, then so be it.

The back door opened, and Boston and Matthew stepped into the kitchen carrying bouquets of roses and little gift bags.

"Special delivery for the Luna," Boston said, his voice muffled by the flowers pressed against his face. 

A large smile formed on Alexis's face as they dropped the presents in front of her. 

The pack had found out about the pregnancy shortly after the stork incident, and they started dropping cards and flowers at our doorstep to congratulate us. It made me happy to know that my pack was just as overjoyed as were about the pup. After all, he or she was destined to be the next Alpha.

"It's so sweet of them to send us these things," Alexis gushed gratefully, opening each envelope carefully and 'aw'ing at the little messages in them.

 "Have you guys talked to Dr. Shay about an ultrasound?" Matthew asked, grabbing a glass of water.

I nodded, "She said we could have it done today afternoon. We'll be going after lunch. "

"Well, you better hurry up. Your mom is going to want to frame those ultrasound pictures after she nearly fainted," Boston chuckled.


Matthew seemed to be shocked by the announcement because he kept pressing the teddy bear's paw over and over again. Boston, on the other hand, was very quiet as if he had found out his own mate was pregnant.

Suddenly, I heard a woman's voice calling my name.

I frowned and watched my mother rush up to us, panting heavily, "Hudson, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You should tell us. You ran up here like the pack was on fire or something," I stated, rubbing her back comfortingly.

 She shook her head and nodded at Boston, "He mind linked me saying that I should come up here as fast as possible."

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