Chapter One-The Dwarfs arivve.

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It was dark, very dark, and Mathilda, a dwarf, was wondering around Hobbition, trying to find where dinner was at. She ran her fingers though her blonde hair, and let out a deep sigh. She looked around, and very faintly, she saw a mark on a door. She would just have to hope for the best, and she walked over to the door, knocking on it softly four times.

Someone answered the door, and she smiled and bowed. "Mathilda, at your service. You must be Mr. Baggins. Its a nice evening, isen't it?" She asks, as she wipes off her boots outside and then steps into the home. "This is a nice place you have."

She hears something, or someone, near her, and she goes to cheek it out. She looks around, and sees Balin and Dwalin. She walks over to them. "Balin, Dwalin! Are we the only ones here?" She asks. The Hobbit starts talking, but they don't pay much attention, until the Bilbo says sorry, and Balin says, "Apology accepted."

There is then another knock on the door, and Bilbo goes to answer it. Mathilda had moved into the dinning room, and she looks up to see Fili and Kili had arrived. She smiles, and runs to them. "Kili! Fili!" She wraps her arms around the dark haired prince. "Mathilda, I'm surprised you made it here." Kili says with a playful smirk.

"Very funny, Kee."

Fili then wraps her arms around Mathilda. "Lassie, don't get your beard in a knot, he was joking. Oh, wait, you don't have a beard." He says, and starts to laugh.

"You're not funny, Fili!" Mathilda says, pulling away from Fili, who only ruffles her hair and laughs.

Mathilda was getting the table ready, when there was another knock on the door, and the poor Hobbit went to answer it. She had followed, and watched as the other Dwarfs fell. She rolled her eyes. "Oi, get up!" She says to them in Dwarfish, and they all quickly get up. She smiles, and hugs them all, then going to the pantry to get some food.

The others were getting the food, and she was sitting at the table, waiting for the others to come. Soon enough, they started to eat, and she took some ale from Fili. They all drank, and then had a burping contest. Mathilda let out a very load belch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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