Chapter END

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Dear fellow readers,

Hi, this is Nyx. And I am PLEASED to announce that I will be ending this book, once and for all.

Yes, that's right. I will NOT be updating this book anymore, and I am very glad.

As you may know, I first published this Art Book to vent and express my negativity and depression through horrible, horrible drawings, involving self-harm, suicidal, depressive illustrations. 

I was impulsive, and did not know what to do with my depression-like state. (It was not depression. Not really anyway. But you know, sort of like that-situation.)

But now, I am proud to say that I have matured, and learned to think things through. (I think? At least, more than I used to anyway.)

With the support and love of the people around me (my family, friends, counselors, and of course, YOU!) I learned how to step out of my shadows.

I am still far from capable of controlling my passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and envy (*inserts sheepish smile*), but I learned not to let myself get caught up in those unhealthy emotions. 

Instead of falling into a void, and dwelling in the darkness, I finally have the bravery and hope to cope with and perhaps, CONQUER those depressive thoughts.

Therefore, I decided that I no longer need this book anymore. I. am. ending. it.

I could've deleted this book, however, I couldn't possibly bring myself to delete all the wonderful things these readers commented for me too. Their encouragements, inspirations, and love made me realised that I am not alone, I am loved, and people still care.

So, I'm ending this book, but I'm still keeping it. To remind me, that there are people out there cared, and that I should not give up on myself no matter what.

Thank you so, so much for your support, and love!

I will see YOU, in my other books.

With the greatest love,



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