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"Let's get out of here, I'll drive you through the city" he suggested pulling her along, heading towards the exit.

She couldn't help but look to the floor to hide her pink face, smiling to herself and she allowed herself to be led by the charming man in front of her. Her heels clacked against the surface of the marble floor as she tried to keep up with his long strides. She knew everybody was watching, her conscious told her so, however, she wanted to believe that it was only him and her. She felt like it.

It's funny how she felt safe and protected when she was him even though they haven't had any proper introductions, for god's sake she doesn't even know his name. He has that certain warm vibe that she enjoyed and she found him to be an interesting character that she wanted to learn more about.

As their figures disappeared further away from the building, the people in the ballroom resumed their respective conversations except for one. He only managed to spend 15 minutes with his beautiful daughter and she was swept away by some man that she had recently met. His curiosity was building up in him as to who that gentleman was. How did he manage to capture her attention and gain her trust in a short period of time? Even so, he felt a sense of assurance that his daughter would be safe with him.

They were walking towards Sehun's car that was parked right outside of the hotel, with the driver standing rigidly in front of the car. Sehun wanted it to be an intimate outing for the both of them and did not want any interference from any third party so he took the keys from the driver and opened the passenger's door for Irene. As she sat in the passenger's seat, she couldn't help but admire Sehun as he walks over ot the driver's seat. He was just so full of charisma and he had that confident aura that made her feel fuzzy on the inside.

He entered through the drivers' seat and gave her a smile before driving off with no intended direction in mind. He just wanted to be with her, right next to her.

She observed where they were driving through, though she had no clue on where exactly, they were going, she trusted him. And as she expected, he did not disappoint her. She observed the tall skyscrapers shining brightly against the moonlit sky. Irene truly loved admiring the sky, be it any time of the day, she loved the serenity of it.

She rolled down the window and jutted her head out. She took in a deep breath of the fresh and embraced the tranquil view that melts her soft heart. She absolutely didn't mind the breeze that was messing her locks up and just let it take control. Freedom. That was what she felt whenever she was accelerating through the city.

He, on the other hand, couldn't stop himself from smiling as he watched how peaceful and genuinely happy she looked. It was pure beauty to him.He increased his speed and continued driving till he reached their impromptu destination.

The car came to stop after about 40 minutes cruising through the illuminated city, arriving at a rather obscure and quiet place. Irene was utterly confused, well she has been all along, however, he just smiled and stepped out of the car while she did the same.

" I got a little hungry, I hope you don't mind if we ate here" his head directing to the fast food restaurant that was just around the corner.

Cute, that was her thought and all she gave was a light chuckle and a smile.

Irene initiated the first step, she too was hungry, so she advanced towards the restaurant first, she turned her head expecting him to follow after her but he only stood there. She laughed at his adorable behavior and walked back to him. She took his hands in hers and led him to the restaurant. Waves of all sort of feelings and emotion electrocuted Sehun when his hand was connected yet again with hers, but this time it wasn't accidental.

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