The Mummy - Chapter Two

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I stood outside what is supposed to  be my family tomb and loved for the torch holder I pulled it down and the door opened I stepped inside. five tombs all now sealed up were here i went to the first

here lies Seti I Pharaoh of Egypt

here lies Isis Queen of Egypt

here lies Ramses Pharaoh of Egypt

here lies Nefetiri Princess of Egypt

here lies Arsinoé Princess of Egypt

I read all of the plaques in Egyptian  and stopped at my own I wonder. I never did any good to come from wondering but I was a O' Connell and it never  stopped me I pushed back the lid and jumped away. in there was of corpse Arsinoé bones

"Hello me" I looked at her and sighed "You shouldn't have had to die this way but i understand that your hand was forced. I swear to you that the love you and Aasim shared still lives on and unlike you I will have the life that was snatched away from a overbearing powerful brother." I promised

I noticed that my predecessor had a pendant on here now I was never one for grave robbing but I felt the compulsion and almost permission to take it. So I did I cleared away the dust and slipped it around my neck. the ground beneath me started to rumble and I thought I was mistaken to take it. but i had one of my feelings that something else happened I rushed to the other side and sealed away Arsinoé before running out and back into the temple my way which was slightly blocked by a pillar I moved under it.

"Alex what did you do?!" i yelled he looked back at me

"it wasn't totally my fault i swear" there was a crack and the last standing pillar was about to fall we both rushed over and tried to aimlessly stop it when it was clear we had no chance both of us ran and the dam of rushing water followed us we stopped and turned a soaked Evy and Rick coughing.

"Mum? Dad? i can explain everything"  they stood up and looked at the both of us.

"Rick, Evy I think you shouldn't get mad because Alex just technically saved your life."

"What the. Alex what happened here" Evy asked once she got here bearings. Alex told us of the men that come to kill us and take whatever from here he also accidently grassed me up.

"You left him?! To do what?!" Rick shouted

"Ah well I may or may not have had a vision which led me to my previous life's family tomb" I giggled nervously.

"You were supposed to keep a eye on him" he growled

"I'm 26 you can't boss me around besides he's eight what trouble can he do" Rick gestured to around him.

"like he said not completely his fault. Alex is a big boy and has learnt a lot from me to remotely keep himself alive until one of us arrives anyway. Right Alex"

"Right" he confirmed

"let's just go shall we" Evy stated we all left and set off for London. on the way back I knew Evy was talking to Rick and knocking some sense into him.


We arrived back in London and back at what I deemed O'Connell Manor.  I walked in leaving my brother to carry the bags and I went to the library I looked for the book which contained information i needed. I had seen the symbol of the necklace somewhere before.

"a-ha" I grinned and took the book before finding the passage.

This necklace was created by Ramses II after the death of his only remaining and youngest sister Princess Arsinoé. It is to be believe that the young Pharaoh felt guilt for his sister death after she was to reported to took her own life for reasons unknown. Upon the closing of her casket he wished good fortune and hope that his sister would fare well in the next life to have the happiness she deserved. Furthermore it is believed to have properties of the skilled and undefined art.

I smiled at least my brother did have feeling in this time not to drive me to that. I walked out of the library and to where Alex was.

"Hey Alex want to know what i found in the temple." he turned round and smiled I showed him my necklaces.

"Cool where did you find it" he asked

"In Arsinoé's tomb along with my family. Well Egyptian family. Maybe when your older I'll take you back that's if it's still standing. Here read this" he read it


"Happy to be home" Evy asked coming down in the same fashioned manor I did. holding a book.

"couldn't be happier" we replied she turned what she was reading to face us.

"It's the year of the Scorpion" she told us

"Neat" I laughed

"You think everything is neat Al" I went to lean  on the edge of the couch

"Alex where's the key" he shrugged she sighed and bent down. "Alex I'm serious if you've lost that key you're grounded"

"I haven't lost it I just can't find it there's a difference" he retorted

"Well you better start finding it" I giggled

"I will Mum there is nothing to worry about"

"Good evening" I stood to attention of a intruder he was black and big. I took my sais out of my boots and twist them in my hand

"Who are you? What are you doing here" Evy asked

"I'm looking for the chest of course"

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