2 0 0

(I'm in the plane,next to Yoongi and Hoseok.)(It's clear; Yoongi hates planes. I see that he is stressed.)

Me : Yoongi?Are you okay?

Suga:Yes, no problem.

Me : Don't lieto me.

Suga:I said that I'm fine!

Me : I see thatsomething is wrong.

Suga:Okay...I hate planes.

(I took his hand andtalked to him.)

Me : I'm alwaysstressed, too.

Suga:It's not easy to stay calm.

Me : I'm agree.

(We're now trying tofind our hotel. It's not that easy! We don't know how to find our wayin Italy!)

Suga :I think it's on that avenue.

Jin :I don't think so...

Namjoon :Guys, the right avenue is there.

(All of us feltreally stupid.)

Me : Why don'twe saw it before?! Omg, we are stupid.

(We found our hoteland took our rooms.) (After, all the guys and I was installed, wewent at the restaurant.)

Me : Mmmm! Thispizza is so delicious!!

Hoseok :I think so!

Me : Hey,guys...I just wanna tell you that I'm very happy with you. Thank youfor all you did for me.

Jungkook :I think we have all the same opinion.

Namjoon :Yes.

Jimin :Of course.

Tae :Oppa!!

(All of us laughed.We countinued to eat. We're now at dessert...)

Jungkook :I'll pick a caramel, please.

Jin :Same for me.

Jimin :I will take a vanilla, please.

Namjoon :Same. Two, please.

Me : TWO?!?

Tae :It's for me.

(We laughed.)

Me : Okay.

Suga :Do you have coffee flavor?

Waitress : Ofcourse.

Suga :I'll take one.

Waitress : So.Two caramels, three vanilla, one coffee, and you?

(She's looking atHoseok and I.)

Me : Lemon?

Hoseok :Okay. Two lemons, please.

Waitress :Okay! I'll back in a couple of minutes.

(She left.)

Hoseok :She's beautiful, I know right?

(His joke wasn'tfunny) ( I did my face that tell: Stop it.)

Hoseok :I'm joking, don't worry. You are the most beautiful.

Me : I hateyou, but I love you, too.

(The waitress is nowback.)

Waitress : So!One coffee, three vanillas, two caramels and two lemons.

Jimin :It's right! Thank you!

Waitress :You're welcome!!

Tae :OMG! This dessert is so good!!! I'M IN LOVE.

(We all looked atTae, amazed.)

Tae :Why are you looking at me this way?

Jungkook :IN LOVE?!?

Tae :With this flavor! Not with a girl!!

(We laughed a lot.)

Suga :Why do you laugh?

Jungkook(Laughing) :It' funny! Omg! We tought that...we tought that he was In...Inlove, but he just...he just love the...the flavor!!!

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