When Masky needs his pills

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This can be a very scary time, Masky has a lot of pills for many problems. 

1. DO NOT get his pills mixed up

2. When Masky has a coughing fit WATCH CAREFULLY 

3. If he collapses, shakes violently, coughs up blood, and can't control his breathing get the right medication and try to hold him still

4. Masky always gets tired after one of these attacks 

5. If Masky starts shaking, gets angry, and starts crying get him the right medication and comfort him

6. If Masky stops talking, has a rash on his neck, and can't think straight, get him the right pills and make sure he sits down in a cool environment 

7. If Masky starts freaking out and doesn't recognize any of the other killers get him the right medication and hold him down until he remembers his killing life

8. If you see Masky trying to take a white pill stop him

9. Masky doesn't need antidepressants 

10. You can cheer him up

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