Chapter 1

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Naruto frowned as he looked over his last test score. He sighed and went to the lake and saw who he wanted and went out on the dock and waited. When he was done he said, "What do you want Dobe?"

Naruto sighed and said, "I need help."

"With what? And why come ask me Dobe?" said the boy

"Because you're the one slated for the Rookie of the Year spot in three months when we take the Genin exam Sasuke." Said Naruto who looked at the dock, "I need help with my school work. I've already taken the Genin exam three times. This is my last chance to pass before they ban me for good."

"And?" said Sasuke turning to look at him, "Why come to me for help? Show up for class and you'd pass your tests."

"I get that honest. But I need help getting my scores up before the exam. I'm good with Stealth, the henge and Kawarimi but the Bunshin jutsu is my worst one. I can't even do one clone right." Said Naruto, "I know a boy last year passed on book smarts and everything else. He couldn't do ninjutsu cause his chakra coils are messed up. He is strictly taijutsu only. So I know it can be done. But I need help getting everything up before the test day."

Sasuke sighed and said, "So you came to me."

"Yes look I know you don't like me alright. I know I'm annoying and I get you don't want friends and anything like that." Said Naruto, "But I will make you a deal. If you help me pass the Genin exam then when the time comes I'll help you kill Itachi for what he did. Because even if you manage it your not going to be able to do it alone. I'll help you catch him and then you can kill him."

Sasuke had to admit that sounded like a good deal and Sasuke said, "And how do you plan to help me?"

"I don't know but I can figure it out. We're going to be doing boring d-ranks before we're ready to do anything cool. So we have plenty of time to figure out how I can help you." Said Naruto, "Please help me pass."

"Why do you want to be a ninja so bad?" said Sasuke, "And don't give me that I want to be Hokage crap either. We both know that's a pipe dream that may or may not happen."

"Because my parents were great Ninja. I want to be a Ninja so that I can make them proud of me." Said Naruto, "My parents died the day I was born helping the yondaime with the fox. So I want them proud of me before I end up joining them."

Sasuke could understand that and said, "Alright I'll help you but that means you have to take this seriously. That means no goofing off, no messing around, and no more skipping class. And by no means are you wearing that god aweful orange thing you call clothes."

Naruto frowned then and in a quiet voice said, "I can't afford anything else."

Sasuke said, "I'll pay for it. But if your going to be training with me then your going to take it seriously got it."

"Got it Sasuke." Said Naruto

"Alright come on let's get you set up cause right now your seriously lacking." Said Sasuke

They crossed over to the bank and Sasuke said, "Do your clone jutsu? You always goof off then or skip so I have no idea what your attempts are like."

Naruto did the Bunshin jutsu and made a pale excuse for a clone that was on the ground looking dead and Sasuke raised an eyebrow and said, "Wow. Just wow Uzumaki."

"See I can't do it. That's better than before but it's not going to get me to pass." Said Naruto, "Plus I figured if I did the extra credit jutsus then I would be able to rack up enough points to actually get my hai-ate even if I can't do that one jutsu."

"Should be able to." Said Sasuke, "Come on."

They went into the village and Sasuke took him to a section of the village he'd never seen before and Naruto said, "Where are we exactly Sasuke?"

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