Incapable Love

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The world you call earth,works in mysterious ways. Ways that you cannot comprehend. From the way I see it, we're born, we live, and we die. Are we just worthless beings brought here to do nothing? Or perhaps, a deceitful fate lies ahead of us. I was a normal girl. A girl who had dreams, and wonderful memories. But soon, it all turned to dust. My mother died giving birth to me, and my Father was a drunk who blamed me for my mothers death. I was born and raised in a small village in Wall Maria. When I was three years old, my father married a beautiful woman whom I called "Mommy". She had a son who was 7 years older than me, his name was Levi. Soon I've noticed that my Father adored Levi even more than me. A boy who is his step-son is loved more than his blood daughter. My physical self hated this man, but my inner self, yearned for his attention. I could tell that Levi didn't really care about him. His face said it all. Whenever I did something wrong, Levi would always defend me. From then on, I figured, "That's what brothers are for". 5 years have passed and....

"Levi wait! I can't keep up with you!"

"You should learn to then..."

"But, Levi...ah"

His cold gray eyes stared at me, telling me to watch it. I kept quiet as we headed along towards the market in town square.

"What do we need?"

I stayed silent.

"Look, I'm not mad at you ok? I know you're not that fast, so, could you remind me of what we needed to get?"

A smile came upon my face.

"Well, Mom said that we needed to get a watermelon, peppers, and some tomatoes."

"Ok, thanks."

My brother is so tall~. I wonder how he got that tall. Should I ask him?

"Can I ask you a question?"



"Spit it out already."

"Wait a second, I forgot what I was gonna ask you!"

"Well hurry up."

"Ok, I remember now."

"Just, tell me so I could go pay for this."

"Why are you so tall?"


Tears started to well up in my eyes.

Why does he have to be so, so, mean?

"What's wrong with..."

I have to stop crying, Levi will scold me again.


Why do they keep coming out?



He's not answering me. Why is he carrying me?

"Don't get the wrong idea."


"I'm only doing this because it'll take too long if I just let you walk."

"Mommy, Mommy! Levi carried me all the way home!"

"Oh did he?"

"He sure did!"

"Well, wasn't that sweet of your Big Brother."

He placed the bags on the table.

"Thank you Levi, and Thank you, my little Marisa."

"Dinner is ready!"

Incapable LoveWhere stories live. Discover now