Chapter 14

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( Still y/n point of view ) 

I left the class room and went to my locker and Tae was standing there 

( Tae ) 

What took you so long ?

( Y/n ) 

I was talking to Summer 

( Tae ) 

Oh ok well come on I want to go home and relax 

( Y/n ) 

Summer's coming over so we gonna be in the kitchen on the table 

( Tae ) 

Why is she coming over?

( Y/n ) 

The project we have things to do 

( Tae )

Awe please cancel with her I want to spend time with you 

( Y/n ) 

I can't I told her to wait for me at the door 

( Tae ) 

So just tell her something came up please 

He did the puppy dog eyes and I couldn't say no to him 

( Y/n ) 

Fine i'll cancel 

He smiled then pushed me towards him and kissed me I tried to pull away but he just pushed me closer and wrapped his arms around me I put my arms around is neck and we forgot we was in school and people started awing we both smiled.

( Tae ) 

I love you forever 

( Y/n ) 

And always 

We both laughed then I got my stuff from my locker and then we walked to the door and Summer was there I totally forgot about her I feel bad.

( Y/n ) 

Hey sorry Summer can we just do it in class something came up 

When I told her that Tae put his arm around me and Summer noticed, she looked angry bitch back up Tae had tickled my side and I laughed he had pushed my head up and kissed me out of nowhere I had kissed him back then pulled away and looked at Summer.

( Summer ) 

Uhm.....yeah I guess it's whatever bye 

She walked away and looked angry 

( Y/n ) 

Hey Summer you ok? you look angry what's wrong? 

I was laughing on the inside trying to hide a smile 

( Summer ) 

No.....i'm fine see you guys 

She walked off and left without even looking back me and Tae looked at each other and smiled.

( Y/n ) 

What's wrong with her?

( Tae ) 

I have no idea maybe she jealous 

( Y/n )

Why would she be jealous 

( Tae ) 

Because she would never find someone who loves her as much as I love you ( Smiles ) 

( Y/n ) 

Stop being so cheesy 

( Tae point of view ) 

I decided to wait y/n cause she was taking forever and I was done getting my stuff until I saw her walking to me.

( Tae ) 

What took you so long?

( Y/n ) 

I was talking to Summer 

Mind: ( Oh god ) 

( Tae ) 

Oh ok well come on I want to go home and relax 

( Y/n ) 

Summers coming over so we gonna be in the kitchen on the table 

Mind: ( Why all of a sudden she wants to be all buddy buddy with her what is it god is really not on my side today ugh.

It took me awhile to convince her but I finally did and pushed her towards me and kissed her she tried to pull away from me but I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her she put her arms around my neck and we heard people awing I forgot we was still in school still we both smiled.

( Tae )

I love you forever 

( Y/n ) 

And always 

We both laughed then she got her stuff and we walked towards the door until we stopped cause of Summer while y/n asked if they can just work on it in class I put my arm around her waist and I saw Summer get angry like I felt it I tickled her side and she laughed I then pushed her head up and kissed her so Summer could see how much I really love y/n .

( Time skip ) 

After Summer walked away we got into the car and we drove off when we got home Suga and Jelly were watching tv together.

( Jelly ) 

Where were ya?

( Y/n )

I cancel on Summer so she didn't come over 

( Jelly ) 


( Y/n ) 

Come to the kitchen with me we can talk while I get some water 

( Jelly ) 

Sure why not

They walk to the kitchen and I took a seat to Suga and we have a conversation.

( Y/n point of view ) 

I walked to the kitchen with Jelly and get some water like I said I was gonna do and I tell her what happened at school 

( Jelly ) 

Can I slap her like she needs to be slapped 

( Y/n ) 

Haha I wish but no you can't at least not yet ( Laughs ) but Tae was acting weird before that he was acting nervous like if he was hiding something I don't know but you know what I mean 

( Jelly )

He probably told Suga or Jungkook I mean they talking right now so maybe we looked at them and indeed they were talking but we were curious about what they were talking about.

( Tae point of view ) 

I was talking with Suga and I was thinking if I should tell him cause he's one of my closest friends.

( Tae )

Hey so I gotta tell you something that happened to me today 

( Suga ) 

Ok what's up?

( Tae ) 

So I didn't do anything bad I stopped it as soon as it happened and I don't know if I should tell y/n about because it ment nothing and I love y/n with all my heart 

( Suga ) 

Summer kissed you didn't she 

( Tae ) 

How did you know ?

( Suga ) 

Because you just told me 

I was so confused 

( Suga ) 

Look there's nothing to say or think about you have to tell y/n 

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