chapter 16

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( Y/n point of view )

I was surprised that I wasn't mad when Tae told me Summer kissed him,In a way i'm relieved to hear that so now she can stay away from us and we can finally get back to normal and move on with our lives.

( Jelly ) 

Y/n lets go were gonna be late 

( Y/n ) 


I close my diary and hide it I run to the living room where everyone was waiting for me.

( Y/n ) 

Alright lets go 

( Suga )

What were you doing?

( Y/n ) 

Nothing I was just writing now lets go 

We all leave the house and we decided to take one car instead of taking both we hop in mine and Taes car and drive off.

( Teacher ) 

Ok class take your seat we have a lot of things to do today!

Jungkook and I take our seats and get straight to doing our work we finished earlier then everybody else so we just talked the rest of the period.

( Jungkook ) 

How have you been?

( Y/n ) 

Good I guess 

( Jungkook ) 

Whats wrong?

( Y/n ) 

Last night Taehyung told me that Summer kissed him and he told me he pushed her away and I believe him and trust him but I don't trust her 

( Jungkook ) 

At least you trust him what did you tell him after he told you that?

( Y/n ) 

I told him I didn't want him talking to her at all and that I don't want her around us 

( Jungkook ) 

You know I was there I had left class to go to the bathroom and I decided to sneak off to the roof to say wsp to him but I heard a girl so I opened the door and looked and it was Summer and she kissed him I just didn't say anything cause I felt he should tell you not me 

( Y/n )

Does he know you was there?

( Jungkook )

No! you're the first person I ever told 

( Y/n ) 

How did Summer not see you ?

( Jungkook ) 

When she was about to leave I ran down the stairs and went to the bathroom quick 

( Y/n ) 

( Laughing ) How are things with you and kiara?

( Jungkook ) 

Were good we had sex again last night ( Laughs)

( Y/n ) 

Ugh why'd you have to tell me that? ( Laughs and punches his arm )

( Jungkook ) 

Ouch she's gonna tell you later so why not tell you now 

( Y/n ) 

True ya use protection right!?

I'm Fine ( Save Me ) Book 2 Ff Kim Taehyung ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now