Episode 9

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After we return to the werk room, we see Alexis' message. I yell, "Ding Dong, the witch is gone!" Everyone laughs but Valentina takes offense.

She decides to pick a fight with me. "Alexis was a good competitor and was actually talented, unlike you Rebella. You should be lucky you did not land in the bottom."

I go off. "Well excuse me perra but I believe you are wrong. I cannot wait to send your fake ass home! You have been getting on my nerves this whole competition because you act like you are better than me. News flash bitch: I have won more challenges than you and I am still here! I've had it OFFICIALLY with your attitude and will be dancing the second your ass gets sent home."

Before anyone can say anything, Ru comes on the screen to tell us the next challenge. I am so glad that Ru cut me off. The next challenge is to work in pairs to create a pilot as well as create a club kid couture look. I am a bit scared because I don't know anything about club kid culture. Luckily, Shea and Sasha offered me up an idea that I cannot wait to do.

We are paired off and Peppermint grabs Trinity before I was going to and I am left with Valentina. Great! Just what I wanted. NOT! Now I have to throw the challenge and send Valentina home. Luckily, Valentina is not a good actress.

We get to rehearsal and Valentina is not prepared. Michelle asks us what the scene will be and Valentina has no idea. I, being the professional I am, throw Valentina under the bus and tell Michelle my idea. Michelle loves my idea and we perform. I do well but Valentina suffers. This is so good.

We get back from rehearsal and Shea pulls me aside. 

"Well? Did you sabotage Valentina?"

"Gurl. Of course I did. She is for sure going home."

"Good, Reb. All you got to do is beat her in the lip sync."

"Don't worry. I love the song."

We get called to the main stage and as expected, Valentina and I are in the bottom 2. Ru does ask me a question.

"What happened? I thought you would have done well at this."

Now it is my time to complete my mission.

"I tried my best but it is hard when you feel like you have to carry your partner. Valentina was no help to me. I apologize for not performing better. I was just trying to help my sis not do so bad."

"Thank you Rebella. That was very noble of you."

The song we have to lip sync to is I Am Changing from Dreamgirls. I have a surprise up my sleeve. The song starts and I am excited.

Look at me [x2]

I am changing, trying every way I can.
I am changing, I'll be better than I am.
I'm trying to find a way to understand.
But I need you, I need you, I need a hand.

I am changing, seeing everything so clear.
I am changing, I'm gonna start right now, right here.
I'm hoping to work it out and I know that I can.
But I need you, I need a hand.

Ru stops the music and I look over to Valentina. Valentina has her fricken mask on still! Gurl, come on. This makes me more mad and motivated to send her ass home. Then, she tells Ru that she does not want to remove the mask. Bitch bye! Finally, she takes off the mask and Ru begins the song again.

All of my life, I've been a fool.
Who said I can do it all alone?
How many good friends have I already lost?
And how many dark nights have I known?
Walking down that wrong road, there was nothing I could find.
All those years of darkness can make a person blind.
But now I can see...

I am changing, trying every way I can.
I am changing, I'll be better than I am.
But I need a friend, to help me start all over again.

Oh, That would be just fine.
I know it's gonna work out this time.
Cuz this time I am, this time...I...am

At this point, I throw down the smoke bomb and change from my club kid look to a pink mermaid dress and a wig modelled after Effie White in the movie. I hear gasps from everyone and I am thrilled. It is working. Valentina is going home. Now I gotta end it.

I am changing, I'll get my life together now.
I am changing, yes, I know how.
I'm gonna start again.
I'm gonna leave my past behind.
I'll change my life.
I'll make a vow.
Nothing's gonna stop me now.....

I finish the song and collapse to the floor. I am overcome with emotion and just start bawling. This song is so personal to me and to perform it on the show is a dream come true. Plus, I have been strong for so long that I just had to let out all of my emotions.

I win the lip sync and send Valentina's ass home. 9 down, 4 to go.

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