Have you ever experienced those times when you're really pumped up to do something, and you've been practing for months to get to that point of perfection. Then you go and you show the people that you trust and care about the most, and they tell you that you can't do it, that you haven't given it your all, you need to "actually try", and that you are going to just back out in the last minute because you "can't do it". What they say just sucks all the excitement and joy out of the occasion, and you just want to give up because the ones who you thought you were doing it for think you're horrible and not qualified. It stings in all the right places and it just makes you loose motivation for that thing, because if the people you hold closest think you suck then what will everyone else think.Why can't they trust you the way you trust them, why don't they think you can follow through? It stings even more when you start to think 'well maybe they're right, maybe I can't do this. Maybe I'm just not as good as I thought.' because why would they say something that isn't 100% true?