| Dolph X Reader | Paintings

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[Requested by Sayla_Kydney666 ]
[Dolph X Female! Reader]

           I wiped the sweat from my brow, only managing to smear paint. Taking one of the nearby tissues, I tried to clean it up. In the end, the paint won and the mark was worse. Groaning, I got up to finally go back to my tent. I turned my makeshift lamp off, it being only a flashlight tied to a stick. The inky darkness around me was cut through with stars glittering down. Painting the night sky was one of my habits. A habit that I didn't want to change, though.

Packing my paintbrush, I closed my paints and prepared to leave my small closure in the towering trees. Picking up my bag with one hand, and my dark canvas in the other, I started back to my tent. The only problem with coming out here at night, was the regret I'd feel in the morning.

Something I could look forward to in the morning, was Dolph. I always proudly showed him my paintings in the morning. The good and the awful. He'd observe the colours that swirled together to make an indigo pool with such light that I couldn't help but smile. He was my coffee on those days.

I sluggishly opened the door to my tent. Tentatively placing my work and tools down, I crawled into my inviting sleeping bag, curling into the comfort. My eyes drifted shut, and I was left with my own night sky, no stars in sight.


       The voices outside my tent were achingly too loud. Opening my eyes tiredly, a headache bloomed just behind my eyes. The sunlight from a crack in the tents flap sliced through the dark space. It made me coil back into my sleeping bag at first, but I soon sighed and peeled away from it. By the time I got to the Mess Hall with my canvas, the headache had passed but my mood hadn't in the slightest.

       Entering, I glanced around hazily before my eyes landed on the shortest boy in the whole camp. His pale skin shone in the morning sun, with a rosy tint complimenting his cheeks. Icy blue eyes were focused on his hands as they scratched pencil against paper. Seeing this, I'm reminded that I've always wanted to paint him. Maybe one day.

       I slid into the seat next to him, but he didn't seem to notice. I wasn't surprised though, he usually goes into a daze when drawing. I looked over his shoulder at his work to make out what it was.

       "That's a great rabbit, Dolph." I commented, smiling at it. The boy jumped high, letting out a short yell.
       "[Y/N]! I did not see you come in!" His German accent was fairly obvious, especially in the mornings.

       Yawning, I laid my head on the table spot next to my work. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
       He lit up, "It's alright! Did you make this last night?" Dolph's eyes were lost in your painting by now. It wasn't the best, but he always seemed to love them. I nodded.

       "This is so good! The stars look even better than last time! Maybe you can teach me how to do that sometime!" He smiled down at me brightly, having stood up on the bench in the middle out of habit. Dolph jumped a bit with each word after that, putting emphasis into his gestures that way. I held back a smile at his cute behaviour.
"Oh wait! I made something for you!" He rushed to get a paper out from underneath his doodle of a rabbit. He clumsily held it up for me to see. It was an inky sky filled with brightly lit stars that bled into a red sunset. There was something more though, two figures were shadows against it, fearless on a cliff. The silhouettes were obvious of who it was. Dolph was standing next to me, who dawned a dress that blew in the wind.

It wasn't the greatest, but it filled my heart with warmth. I smiled, taking it gingerly from Dolph's hands. Honestly, I was scared to rip such a thing.
"[Y/N]? Do you like it?" He asked with doe eyes.
I beamed, "Like it? This is amazing! I can't believe you made this for me!"
Dolph lit up like a city's curfew, looking as proud as I've ever seen him be. His rosy cheeks seemed to be a little pinker though.

I grinned, "You're still standing, Dolph." He looked down, noticing.
"But now I'm taller than you!" He proudly grinned, like it was his greatest achievement. Dolph put his hands on his hip for more affect.

       He had a habit of moving around a lot when he spoke. It was something that the others campers found quite irritating. Me, on the other hand, found it a sweet quirk that added to the already sweet boy.

       I fished out a paper from my bag, laying it out flat against the table. Doodling something quickly, I slid it over to Dolph.
       He looked confused, "What's this?" Pulling it over, he looked it up and down. Then repeated the action a few more times. His face soon erupted into red. The pigment reached his ears, and I snickered when I imagined steam rising from them.

       Dolph gestured towards it, then continued to make weird movements towards it. He seemed speechless. I giggled, brushing some hair behind my ear.
       "[Y/N], why did yo-!" I clasped a hand over his mouth.
       "Too loud."
He breathed in, speaking quieter, and fairly steadier. He looked a little dazed though.
       "Why did you draw a picture of us with hearts above?"

       "Because I did." I shrugged, resting my head back onto the table. He stuttered out gibberish, loosely using words with no meaning.

       "Th-that's not a good enough excuse!" His German accent was so thick now that I could barely understand him.

       I could barely understand him, even without it. By the time he came to, I was fast asleep.

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