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Will be in Daniel's POV
Reader is a female]

       David was currently supervising me as I talked with the campers. It had only been one day since I had been in the hospital, and it was already too real. The oblivious counselor still hadn't caught on to what I had been doing before, but after much convincing, Max got him to still keep a watch on me. He was quite the annoyance, but even more perturbed by why I came back. Out of all places to go after I got out. Fishing through my head to find a reason, I came up blank. I must be mental.

       Looking back up from talking to Space Kid, I realized that David had left while I had been thinking. His replacement was now the other counselor; [Y/N]. I stepped back a bit, startled, when I saw that she had noticed me. Her lips curled up into a grin, and she waved. My heart fluttered, and I attempted to choke it down. Suddenly, awareness came to me on why I had returned.

"Don't even think about it." I heard an all-too-familiar voice growl. Glancing over with a forced grin, I could feel my neck crack as soon as I made eye contact with the little brat. Max had a hard glare targetting me.
"And what would you be inferring, kid?" A heavy feeling settled in my chest, and I tried to push it down. It's only my first day. Can't already be letting loose on just one short annoyance. He seemed to notice my growing irritation, and grin.

       "You try to murder us, and then expect to be able to just waltz in here. Now, trying to get with a counselor too." He rolled his eyes, the smirk tracing back to a surprisingly menacing pool of hatred for a child. It only seemed to get stronger for me as he spoke. "She's not an idiot, Daniel. You're a massacre waiting to happen, and everyone will make sure she knows that. She's supervising you for crying out loud."

       I wanted to wrap my hands around his little neck and strangle him, but a soft voice interrupted us. [Y/N] whispered something in Max's ear quickly before nudging him towards Nikki. He looked back once before leaving entirely, giving a glare full of sharpened daggers. I wouldn't be surprised if he vandalized my cabin just this morning.

"What was that about?" My heart caught in my throat, but I managed to regain myself quickly, shooting a grin.
"Nothing too important. You still watching me?" She tilted her head slightly, making my heart thump just a tad faster.

"Of course, but I do enjoy having an excuse to stare at you." [Y/N] winked at the end.
My brain entirely stopped at that moment, and all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears, and the redness creeping up my neck and tipping my ears. It felt like years that this happened, but I knew it was only seconds. You've taken down concentration camps, Daniel. You can handle a pickup line.

She laughed. Nevermind, I can't handle a pickup line if it's done by her.

       "You've literally tried to poison me before, yet you can't do anything about flirting? That's amazing." I felt guilty, and angry at my past self for doing that. Was she toying with me?
"So, that was just to give me a taste of my own medicine, or?" My voice turned cold. I felt hurt. It only changed to confusion when she shook her head with an innocent smile.

       "Nope." Shrugging, [Y/N] continued, "I wouldn't do that. I can see that you're trying to get better. I mean you didn't just slaughter Max on the spot. That's some restraint." She chuckled a bit, and I only became more confused.

       "You don't hate me for it...?"

"I'm a little mad, but what do you expect? I'm willing to help, though. With you're whole...murdering." She trailed off, but ended it with a genuine smile. This woman wanted to help me?

       Before I had put enough thought into it, I enveloped her in a hug. My arms wrapped around her form protectively. If anyone hurt her, I'd personally help them ascend the harder way. Feeling her hug back, I smiled.

Releasing her, she gave me a curious look. "Didn't know you were capable of that." I chuckled, shrugging. "Hm, learn something new every day."
I needn't look behind me to know that Max was digging holes into my back with his eyes. If I ever kill him, I'm starting with removing those eyes of his.

Noticing her eyes look just beyond my shoulder, my suspicions were confirmed. She looked back at me, and we shared a look. Shaking her head as a way to try to forget it, she moved her hand to her pocket.
"One second." Leaning over a shred of paper with a pen, I was unclear on what she could she doing. Either way, I couldn't just shake the feeling of Max's gaze. It was like ants crawling up your leg. Eventually, after what felt like hours but in reality was less than a minute, [Y/N] turned back around with the scrap of a sheet in her hand.

Symbolizing that I should put my hand out, I happily obliged. Still completely clueless on what she was doing. She placed it in my palm.
I clumsily tried to pry it out of the fold, and looked it over. I had to do a double take. Did she just give me her number. Just like that? She is quite the odd one. Must be why I like her so much. I was almost clueless to Max's stare now. I could care less at the moment. If this is what it's like not to help people ascend, then I could definitely get used to it.

"I'm free later tonight. Call me." [Y/N] waved before going off to find David. I turned only my head and gave Max a smirk, holding up the number.

I went to bed that night to find all my clothing dyed black.

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