Part 1

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July 18, 2014 05:48

A city bus comes to a stop with a hiss on the corner of 12th street and Winston Ave. The down town area. Men and woman with children hurry off the bus. One man stops to check the time before dashing off too. Once the doors close a few remain on board, the bus driver pulls away from the curb, continuing on to it's next designated stop. 

Two girls sit in the second row of the bus, chatting away. Both in black workout pants and blue team sweaters. Their hair pulled back tight with matching head bands.

"So for tonight, my mom made spaghetti. She knows you don't like our Polynesian food so she--"

"Oh my god! Did you tell her I didn't like her food?!" The long haired brunette cuts off her friend. Her brown eye's wide.

"No. I just said you're not adventurous with your foods. Big difference!" The taller friend sitting on the left replies. She fishes through her gym bag to find her iPod.

"You're such a jerk, Dinah. I bet she hates me now."

"Who can hate my Chancho?" Dinah leans over to her friend, pouting her lips and batting her eyelashes.

Camila laughs, playfully pushing her friend away. She glances down at her phone, there's minutes left until six. She fidgets nervously in her seat.

They need to be home before this years annual Purge begins. It's been a tradition for the girls since they were little to stay over each others houses during The Purge. Both girls live in an upper class neighborhood. Camila's father is a judge. Dinah's mother and father own a chain of Polynesian restaurants. Both their homes are fixed with the highest security. This year it's Dinah's turn to host. 


The girls ran late getting on the bus after volleyball practice. Dinah always messes around on the equipment in the gymnasium. Camila had to drag her out and they made the last bus just in time. 

Dinah notices her friend squirming around. She takes her ear phones out to address the smaller girl. 

"What's wrong?" 

Camila looks up. Her face pale, completely different compared to her normal sun kissed skin tone. "I just have a funny feeling."

"Mila, The Purge happens every year. We'll get to my house soon and be in front of the TV watching Netflix in no time." Dinah takes her friends hand in her own, patting it softly. "It'll be al--"

The bus jerks to a sudden hard right. The girls, along with the remaining people aboard are slammed up against each other or fall in the aisle. They all slowly stand and wipe their clothes of dust. After looking around the bus driver rises from his seat.

"That car almost hit us." he says aloud, running a fragile hand through his grey hair, looking distraught. "Is everyone okay?" 

Everyone collectively nods. Camila and Dinah turn to each other. The smaller girl notices her friend now looks nervous too.

"You okay?" 

"Yea, I just hit my arm. I think I'll live." Dinah smiles softly, rubbing at her elbow. The girls take their seats as a man talks with the driver.

"That car was coming at us fast! I saw it. It was a black Nissan GTR. A 2012. I had one just like it but someone was stolen on last years Purge." 

The men continue talking as Camila glances over her shoulder, the black car now a few blocks away, still speeding off into a barely visible black dot.



"What the fuck, Mani, slow down!" the guy wearing black jeans and a black hoodie in the passenger seat grips onto his seat belt.

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