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Lauren, Camila and Ally make their way through a long dark hallway. The warehouse reeks of a strong strange odor. Somewhere between rotting trash and rodent feces. A fowl smell with a lingering taste. The girls creep slowly, clinging on to each other, peering into each open door along the way. Each room is as dark as the next. It's Ally who suggest they try the next floor. 

As the girls inch their way up the cement steps, they here shuffling noises from above. Lauren puts her arm out to stop the other girls in the stairwell, waiting for the noise to stop. Camila clings closer to her side, a white knuckle grip on her leather jacket. 

"Let's just go back down." Ally whispers. "This was a dumb idea."

Camila turns to look down at the shorted girl on the step under her. "No. My friend is in here. I'm going to find her." she replies back, her voice low. Letting go of the green eye'd girl in front of her, she steps around her and finishes her way up the stairs. Lauren stays right on her heels. Her hand on the gun, ready.

A shadow moves from one room to another. No doubt one of the men who took the bus and Dinah. Camila moves forward with Lauren holding her by the arm. They stop and look into the first room, where the man just left from, and see metal table shining from the moon light seeping in through the boarded up windows. On top of the table are shoes. The girls walk into the room and realize that it's not just shoes but a person laying on the table. An unconscious person.

Camila gasp loudly. Lauren shoots her hand up to the girls mouth keeping her quiet. The smaller girl turns and falls into her shoulder. Small whimpers escaping, muffled in the leather jacket. Lauren pulls her in closer and moves them toward the door. Ally curiously walks over to the table. The body spills blood from an unseen wound under his shirt.

"It's not Dinah." she says flatly.

Camila peeks out from Lauren's hold. "It doesn't matter. That's still a person!" she hisses then turns back the the green eye'd girl. "We have to find her." 

Lauren nods. She peaks out of the door way then quickly ducks back in behind the door, pulling Camila even closer. "Someone is in the hall." she says against her ear. She motions to the other girl to hide.

Ally runs over and hides behind the table. The sounds of foot steps come to a halt just outside the door. Everyone holds their breath. Then the footsteps move on down the hall. A low exhale is heard through out the small room. 

"What do we do? Where do we look next?" Camila says softly to Lauren.

"You stay here with Ally. I'll go look." 

"What? No!"

"Shh. Yes. I'll find Dinah then bring her back here. It's safer. Trust me."

Camila looks into the eye's in front of her. The moon shines through the cracks softly, enough to see small flecks of green. She nods. "You'll be okay?"

"Promise." Lauren replies. She leans forward and softly kisses Camila's lips. Brown eye's go wide in surprise then they slowly close. Falling into the small kiss. They pull apart and smile shyly to each other. Lauren tucks a lose strand of Camila's hair behind her hair. "I'll be back." The smaller girl nods, moving to hug the girl tightly.


Normani lurks through the dark warehouse looking for her friend. A noise upstairs had her moving quickly up the stairs in hopes of it being Lauren, but a taller, built figured moved through the hall. She quickly hide in the shadows the stairwell offered. Clutching the duffle bag closely to her side she crouches waiting for the stranger to walk off.

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