My Overprotective..Mate??

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I woke up in a different bed because mine smells like vanilla and peppermint while this one smells like flowers and fresh air after it rains. As I turned over onto my side I came face to chest with Draven, I looked up at him and couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looks and how his hair falls onto his forehead.

After a few minutes of staring at him like a creep he started to stir and when he opened his eyes he smiled that perfect smile of his that made me mel- 'no! Bad Lucca! Stop being that way!' I literally screamed at myself in my head. "Good morning Lucca, how'd you sleep?" He asked in a sexy morning voice. "U-uh I slept great how about you?" I asked mentally cursing myself for stuttering. "I slept great also since I had you by my side the whole night" he said brushing my hair out of my face and revealing my eyes to him. "You really should show your eyes more, their absolutely beautiful and shouldn't be hidden from the world or me." He said while looking me in the eyes and smiling sweetly as a blush crept onto my cheeks, "I don't like my eyes.. I feel like their abnormal or weird.." I say looking down after sitting up in bed only to have my head be lifted by Draven's thumb and pointer finger.

"They're gorgeous and if you'd let me I'd stare at them all day because their so mesmerizing, your eyes are beautiful but your stunning and I'd be upset if anyone disagreed because your perfect the way you are flaws and all." As he was saying that my vision for blurry and before I knew it I was shedding tears because of how sweet that was and how happy he made me feel just by saying those simple words. "T-thank y-you, that means a lot to m-me" as I was saying this he pulled me into is arms and rubbed my back soothingly, "it's all true Lucca and I want you to know that I'm always gonna be here for you" he said as he wiped my tears away with his thumb then kissed my forehead but it didn't bother me that he did that, instead it felt completely natural that he did that.

After that happened we got dressed then headed downstairs only to hear humming coming from the kitchen. "Morning ma, what are you making for breakfast?" Draven asked his mother as she turned around and smiled at us. "Oh just eggs, bacon and toast dearie but your father left early this morning so he won't be joining us" she said as she continued cooking the delicious smelling food.

"That smells delicious ma! Also I gotta tell you something in private later" Draven said while grabbing us two glasses of orange juice. "Okay dearie, and Lucca dear" she looked towards me with the sweetest smile. "Yes?" I asked tilting my head while looking at her and I swear out of the corner of my eye Draven was blushing, "you can stay here as long as you like dear and don't be afraid to ask us for anything cause your already family now" she came over and kissed my cheek after saying that, she called me family... Is this what it feels like to be loved by a mother and to know what her love feels like? Just a simple kiss on my cheek makes my head reel at the word family and I can't help but smile as she puts the food down.

~~~Time Skip ~~~~

Me and Draven headed off to to do whatever we wanted since it was spring break, and the whole time I felt nothing but happiness being near him. I was spacing out while smiling until he snapped his fingers in front of me, "Lucca! I've been trying to get your attention for a while minute.. are you ok?" He asked me looking concerned. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about how sweet your mom has been to me and how everytime I talk to her it feels like I've known her for years cause I feel so content and comfortable around her" I said then looked at him seeing him smile sweetly at me and I couldn't help the blush that crept on my cheeks.

"I'm glad you feel that way around my mum and I wanted to ask you a question", he looked at me with a serious expression yet there was a hint of hope in his eyes. But before he could say anything Ari interrupted us and I could've sworn I heard Draven growl?

"Hey Luc! I called you like four times last night and you never answered, what's up with that?" She looked at me with a arched brow and a pout after saying that.
"Well you see Ari" I said giving her a look she knew well, "I was hanging out with Draven and my phone died so I haven't gotten to your calls because of that plus me and Draven are still getting to know eachother and we wanted to hang out today.. Alone".

It took her a minute to process what I meant but when she realized a grin took over her freckled face, " Ohhh ok well I'll leave you guys to it and I have stuff to do anyways so I'll talk to you later Luc! Bye!" And with that she twirled around with her red locks following the movement.

I look up to Draven and notice he had a slight annoyed yet relived look on his face but changed when he look at me, "was that a friend of yours? He asked after awhile. "She's basically like a sister to me ever since I enrolled myself in 7th grade" I said while smiling softly at the memory of the bouncy redhead meeting me and becoming an instant best friend after that.

"You never told me what happened with your family and why you've been alone for awhile.." He asked while trailing off probably because he didn't want to make me sad talking about it. "I'll tell you later but for now let's enjoy our spring break together and have fun while it lasts ok babe?" He looked shocked because I called him babe for the first time but smiled happily while grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently, "Yea let's enjoy our day together".

Oookay well this took waaay too long to finished but I'll make a part 2 of this chapter and hopefully it won't take as long to finish as this one took forever to finish cause I've been busy and tired from life being a buttface.

But anyways here's more for you guys to read and I hope you enjoy!!
Bye my turtles!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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