The forgotten promise

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"Yuya!! Get up! Sora is still waiting for that duel!!" Yuya rolled over

"Oh alright. Give me a moment" He stood up and rubbed his head "man guys it feels like I got hit with a bowling ball" Yuto appeared next to him.
'does it feel like we're forgetting something?'
'yeah, it sorta does'
Yugo agreed
'I do get the distinct feeling I was duelling with someone...'

'Must've been a dream' Yuto decided
"if it was a dream I get the feeling it was a pretty weird one..."


"Oh man!! Tori's so gonna kill me!!" Yuma rushed out his door with his lunch in hand.
"You know if you spent less time altering your deck and more time sleeping you might actually hear your alarm" Astral sighed
"Hey we have to be-" Yuma stopped
"Have to be what?"

"I feel like I've done this before..." Yuma scratched his head "and I feel like I'm forgetting something massively important"
"Perhaps that you were going to school?"
"Oh that's right!! I'm late!!"


"Yusei you up for a ride?" Crow asked
"Not I feel like I've been duelling all night maybe later"
"Okay, weirdly enough so do I...and I had the weirdest dream...that you turned evil and I duelled you with someone else but I can't remember who"
"Dreams can be pretty strange" Yusei smiled

"You know what crow. Let's ride"


"J? what's with trying to pull all those flips?"
"I watched a friend he was so awesome" Jaden smiled at his friend Syrus
"What's his name?"
"It was Yu- Yu...huh...I can't quite remember...but he was really cool...and entertaining I feel like that's strongly associated with him"

"Yeah...but I don't know why"


"Alright Losers! Welcome to the battle city tournament! You somehow made it here but none of you will be becoming champion" Kaiba laughed Joey kind of just smiled "what's so funny?"
"You know Kaiba, I used to think you were creepy but I've met someone way's just I can't remember his name"

Serenity smiled silently opening a small drawing she had done.
"The others may have forgotten what happened but I'll never forget what you all did"

The drawing had Yuma, Jaden, Yusei, Yugi and Yuya as well as Yuri, Yuto and Yugo.
"I hope we all meet again someday...that would be the most amazing thing in the world"

I hope you all enjoyed but the book is now over... (I may or may not be lying)
However...I may have plans for a another future BBT fanfic...but I won't go into much more detail on that...sorry, but I hope you all enjoyed watching silly and serious scenes between all the protagonists...I wonder what Yuya was thinking after what Yugi said probably something like:
Whose the Pharaoh? What is wrong with this kid? And I saved him not this other guy...

Anyway I hope you all like it. Until next time I see you on one of my authors notes "I hope you enjoyed the show but that's game!" (P.S this is my duelling catchphrase. Yes, I play. I'm an entertainment duellist like Yuya)

Love Evie Alistair.

(And the winner of the best catchphrase competition goes to...actually I haven't decided. Who do you think has the best catchphrase)

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