moving in

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ari pov.

last week my brother called me and asked if i'd want to come and live with him and his band and ofc i said said yes he's my favorite sibling no offense to the others. he's my bestfriend i love him. my brother is hella protective my dad died when i was 10 and jack promised to take care of me and ever sense he hasn't broke that promise. i'm actually really talented. i can sing really good but the only person that knows that is jack but little does he know i've gotten better. i'm also a godess at dancing. (hip hop) i play volleyball softball and basketball. i'm great at all. i like softball best and then volleyball. but i'm best at volleyball bc i don't care to get a few bruises. i just finished packing and i'm supposed to be leaving for the plane in a couple mins. i'm actually really excited i know the band but they don't know me. i'm mean there all hella cute. corbyn it think has a gf so i'll back off 😂 but that zach kid seems kinda cute.
"arianna lets go! your gonna miss you flight!" yells my mom.


i say my good bye to my family and board the plane. as i find my seat i sit down and put my neck pillow on and get out my blanket. i then drift off to sleep dreaming abt how my new life will take off

"hey hey wake up darling the plane just landed" whispered the girl i shared a row/seat with

"oh wow that fast?"

"i know right" says the girl

i get off the plane and look around for jack. i think he might of forg-

"ARIANNA GRACE MARIE AVERY!" jack yells from the other side of the airport

we both start running at each other. i drop all my stuff and jump into his arms. it's been so so long. he twirls me around and kissed my head

"oh my god i missed you so much. how have you been ?" jack asks

"i've been okay i really missed you. the house is so boring"

"oh really?? lame. well let's get you home all your boxes got in a bit ago like right before i left so the boys were getting them in your room. we'll have to get you a new bed so you can actually sleep in your own bed. so we can do that tmr" jack explains

"so where am i gonna sleep then?"

"i'll figure something out" jack says

we get home and damn is it huge. jack introduces me to the boys and i think i fell i. love
"Guys i'm back! this is arianna. arianna this is jonah, jack, corbyn, daniel, and zach!" jack says

"h-hi guys" i say staring at zach

jack kinda hits my foot signaling me to stop

"uhhmm ok can someone help me unpack my bags and set up my room?" i ask

"i guess i'll help you. nothing better to do. plus i can get to know you better!" zach says

"great come on we got work to do!" i joke and walk up the stairs

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