Chapter 28: Listen to us

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Jesse's POV

My parents smiled for a bit until they noticed I wasn't saying anything. "So what did you want to tell us, about Jacob?"

"She's not talking about Jacob."

I looked up, eyes widened. My parents looked behind them and saw, just like me, that Sid had revealed herself to them.

"Who, what... Who are you?" Mom seemed clearly confused. Looking at this from her point of view, she didn't know Sidney yet Sidney was in this room. "How did you even get in this house?"

Sid looked from my mom to me, to which my parents followed her example. They must know that I knew more. And I think they were getting worried because of that. "Jesse," Dad was putting force in his voice, he was trying to sound like 'the man of the house'. "Who is she?"

"Her name's Sidney," I motioned her to come to us, and to sit down in the chair next to me. Which she did. "We are dating."

My parents weren't pleased, they weren't angry either. They were surprised, or maybe disappointed. Mom was looking at Sidney, I could see the dislike on her face. Dad was looking at me mostly, he was mostly disappointed.

"I know this isn't what you two want, but I can't help how I feel." I looked at Sid, who in return reached for my hand to show some support. This didn't go by unnoticed though.

"What about Jacob?" I knew they were going to go there. After all, I gave them false hope. Or maybe I tried giving myself false hope that I could actually like a boy.

"I know," I sighed, looking down. "I never should've forced anything. I don't feel anything for him, or Elliot." I looked up at them, their facial expression got worse. "I'm gay, and I'm madly in love with Sidney."

Sid squeezed my hands reassuringly. "I love your daughter with all my heart," She leaned closer, she really wanted to make my parents listen to her. I could see that drive in her eyes, she had set her mind on us and she wasn't going to let go. I admired that. "I'm asking you to give us a chance, at happiness."

Mom huffed while dad looked at me again. "What about Jacob?" I couldn't believe he completely ignored what Sidney and I had said. It's as if they only listen when they like what they hear.

"Mom, dad," I paused, looking for the right words. "I'm breaking up with Jacob because I feel nothing for him, he's like a brother to me."

"Then you're going back to Elliot." Mom snapped. It was clear she wasn't having this, she wasn't accepting that I had Sid now.

"No," I tried my best to fight the tears. I just wanted them to understand me. Why was it so hard for them? "Please, I need you to make me happy." Sid wrapped her arm around me, showing once again her support.

Mom crossed her arms while dad looked apologetic at me. "We don't want you to suffer, honey." He finally stated, he reached for my hand, holding it in his. "What will people say?"

"I don't care what they'll say." I gulped. "I'd rather be happy and have everyone look at me or talk about me, instead of being unhappy and have people praise me for it." I looked down, thinking about what I had just said. I did the latter these past couple of days before Sid's arrival. I was on my way to misery, for sure. "I have to live my own life." I whispered.

For a while it was silent in the kitchen. We were all just sitting there in awkward silence. Mom was looking with a disgusted face at Sid, dad was visibly thinking, Sid was just making sure I was ok and I was fighting my emotions and tears.

I thought that silence would go on forever, but I was wrong. And that silence would be broken by a sentence I hadn't expect my dad to say. "How did you two meet?"

I looked up at him, seeing he was actually trying. I looked at Sid, who in return smiled and motioned me to talk. "We uhm..." Well here comes to part where I ruin all my chances. Unless... "We met around town." From the corner of my eyes I saw Sid giving me a look, but I wasn't sure what that look was supposed to be.

"And how did you two start talking?"

I looked at Sid, giving her the opportunity to talk. Though she didn't seem that pleased with that. I guess she wasn't up for lying. "We connected over a tree."

"A tree?" Dad looked from Sid to me.

I gulped, I already felt my cheeks reddening. "Yes," I glanced at Sid, asking her help but she left me on my own. "Afterwards we usually saw each other at that tree."

"So how long have you two been seeing each other?"

Before I could answer, Sid responded brutally honest. "2 years."

Mom and dad were shocked to learn this. In their minds I was the daughter that was innocent and naive, the one that they had the high hope for being with a guy. But now that view they had off me was crushed, with just 2 words.

"We haven't been too intimate," Sid informed them, I don't know why. I felt like she was making everything worse. "We had dates and hung out at the park." She paused. "But I do love your daughter so much, I'd love to just make it official."

"You're asking our permission to date her?"

Sid looked confused then, and I knew exactly why. In her world, our world, we were already dating. We were already girlfriends. We were already lovers. "No," And now, she wanted to make all of that into reality. "I want to marry her." Even us being married.

"Sid," I nudged her, trying to make her shut up. "Not that." I then looked at mom and dad, who looked so confused and so shocked. I wonder what they must think of us... "We'd like to be out in the open, to be a couple."

They both slowly nodded, still seemingly shocked by what Sid had said. I think they didn't even realize what they were agreeing with. But I didn't mind.

"Thanks," I got up, Sid followed my example. "We won't disappoint you." I pulled Sid with me back upstairs, to my room. I think I'll have to explain her some more how life on this planet works.

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