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She brushes her teeth with tension. Sometimes an occasional pause to gaze at herself in the mirror. People despise it when people judge them, but here is a girl judging her own self, scrutinizing her flaws.


Huge nose.

Short hair

Wide lips.


It’s her first day in school.

And for her, the worst.

Again, like her past years of schooling, she made no friends. But she is also at fault, for she did not even had the slightest attempt to smile and say a word containing only a single syllable “Hi.”

On her way home she decides to run to her favorite bake shop and dig her teeth unto a chocolate cornet to reward herself. Surviving school without any companions is definitely one of the hardest responsibilities. But the idea of making new acquaintances never entered her fickle mind.

Oddly enough, she can’t seem to find the aforementioned bake shop. The scent of newly baked bread did not fill the air today.

However she noticed a new shop. It is painted purple and decorated with Christmas lights even though it’s not Christmas. She is stunned as she realizes that this new shop is where the old bake shop used to stand.

The Dreamer’s Workshop

Tentatively, she enters the new shop, and is surprised at its wonder. Dream Catchers! She thought. Dream Catchers Everywhere!

“Come in child!” Welcomes a woman with wiry hair and broad smile. Her hetero chromic eyes, blue and yellow.

The girl felt sorrow at the sudden disappearance of her favorite store. However she felt obliged to buy something from this shop. So she roams through the store, feasting her eyes on every available wonder.

There. She thought. A dream catcher notebook.

She grabs the notebook and places it on the counter.

“Thank you dear,” the woman says.

A dream diary? Journal? Or maybe I should write my stories here. She walks home, thinking what will she write in the notebook.


A/N: Please do not hesitate to vote and comment because that will seriously make my day! Constructive criticisms are welcome, but of course don’t be rude. XD

Have a nice day dreamers! 

The Girl with the Dream Catcher EarringWhere stories live. Discover now