Chapter 1~

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Bell baby's POV
I was standing there watching the old bland man a.k.a our principal, as he was busy giving me a lecture about how indiscipline and unladylike​ I was. While I was already irritated by the 'lessons of life' speech of Mr Rolf​, adding to my misery was the guy standing beside me. Now, don't misunderstand me just like any other normal girl I would also enjoy this kind of opportunity but there's an exception when it comes to a guy who is – rude,egoistical, conceited and a handsome jerk face,I repeat handsome JERK. 

Okay it's flash back time!
     I woke up a little early today. It was rare..anyways,I quickly got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do my business. After that I changed into some comfortable but cute outfit,took my phone and back pack and went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen to see graceful and feminine figure of the lady I love the most,my mom. Marie Prime,she is very caring and loving but can turn into a Mozilla and shred you into pieces.
“Mom! What's in breakfast today?” I asked.
“Food” was the reply I got from a smirking momma.

Now you can imagine my 17 years relationship with this woman.

I sat down on the on the breakfast table and chatted with mom, until the breakfast was there. We stopped talking and soon the only sound surrounding us was the chattering of plates and munching of food but it only till my precious baby aka my phone rang. It was a message from my best friend, Rose. She is rude,she is mean,she is loud and she is my better half

Bitch~Time move your lazyass :3

Giving a goodbye kiss to my mom I left the house,to see my bestie standing there waiting for me to get inside her car.

Waving at her I went inside the car.“Ready for another day in hell”she asked grinning. I on the other hand just gave her the Are-you-kidding-me? look, which made us both laugh.
She roared the engine to life, while I turned on the radio. We were in an comfortable silence when I looked at Rose the distant look on her face said that she was thinking about something.

Maybe about another gossip or how to annoy her 'loving' boyfriend or how to create a drama and drag me in that saying 'friends that ship people together should sink together'.

I rolled my eyes on her dramatic persona and started snickering on her thinking face,  or may I add more like a constipated face.

She gave me an odd look but before she would get a chance to question me about my 'dying ostrich' laugh, we were already at the campus gates. And to avoid getting interrogated by her I went out of the car with lightening speed. "Victory" I thought and did an internal dab 'cause as soon as she was out of the car she was immediately wrapped in a back hug by her boyfriend Matt. I faked a gag and playfully glared at them to which Matt only passed me a grin and said "I knew from the start that you had eyes on my girl. Look at the jealous glares you are passing me."

I just rolled my eyes and showed him the finger watching as his face fell earning a laugh from me and kiss from Rose. After a couple of moments of their PDA and me awkwardly standing like a third wheel we started making our way towards our classes. Unfortunately I had calculus which meant no Matt or Rose with me. Waving them bye I went on my way, I was five minutes early to the class so I grabbed the opportunity to find a perfect seat a.k.a the last bench by the window.

This was never one of the classes I hated but right now I was.
First it was surprise test!
Second the most annoying boy of the whole campus with his 'oh so amazing' aura Damon is sitting right in front of me playing tongue hockey with one of his slut.

It's not that I have a thing for him but they were sitting right in my view and the notices were really disturbing. Thankfully the teacher took notice of this little lovey dovey show and appreciated the male protagonist by giving him a majestic detention slip and an honourable order of getting the hell out of the class. 

I sighed in relief and continued taking notes and just to tell, yes the test was over. Soon the bell rang and I ran out of the class  like it was on fire. On my way to the corridor Rose approached me and we started walking together, talking about everything. We were so engrossed in the conversation that we didn't even that there was a large crowd cheering to fight until we hear Matt's name.
I and Rose ran towards the scene pushing past the amused and excited people and a horrible sight was ahead of us, of Matt laying on the ground and Damon hovering him while throwing punches at his stomach and face.

Looks like Romeo suddenly went all Jackie Chan.

Beside me I heard Rose gasp,when I turned to see her my heart broke. She was in tears and her face showed utter pain, I even saw anger in her eyes but she was too weak to get into action and looked at me for help. I looked around to see everyone enjoying and no one in the mood to end it, so heaving a sigh as already know I was going to regret my decision I step into the fight. Adrenaline rushed to my blood and I did the first thing that came my mind,  that is I grabbed Damon by his collar and with all my force I tried to pull him away. To my luck I was successful but now I had a bigger problem cause  the bad boy of school is staring at me with a whole tornado of anger in his eyes. He let out a little growl and captured my shoulder in a tight and painful grip.

And this my friends Mae me angry, I considered the idea of slapping him but then I remembered reading in wattpad books that slapping the guy and ruining your life. So I went for the better option, I kicked him at the where–the–sun–doesn't–shine.

He lost his grip as he bent down in pain holding his crotch and looked at me as if trying to remember everything about me and secretly promising me to get back at me for this.

Hey everyone! 
So I know that I haven't updated for ages and it was only the first chapter *sheepish smile* And I can't promise to you that I will update punctually *guilty fearful smile* but I will try my best to update!!
It was a long chapter and I would like to dedicated this to my best friends one for motivating me and second bestie for writing a story and giving me competition.
If anyone is reading this plz vote and comment. I really need ur motivation because u know I get de motivated  very easily *awkward cough *
Thanks for reading this chappy I love u guys.
Plz point out the mistakes politely and help me in making my Grammer correct.
Remember u r beautiful.
Eat a lot and be happy 😊
— Maryamsnow

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