Chapter 2~

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So that's pretty much how I ended up in a situation like this.

As soon as I had played the little troublesome trick with my leg and distracted Damon,  Rose scurried towards Matt and made him get up with her support. I on the other hand was staring at the devil in front of me. I was observing his each and every movement with a hawk like calculating stare. And when my mind captured his little step of approach towards me, I started panicking and used the most amazingly stupid tactic ... Which was shutting my eyes close and throwing the content of my foundation tube,  which I carry in my bag,on him.

The whole corridor became dead silent, you know the silence the show in movies before the ghost scares the ship out of us? Yup that dead silence.
The now empty tube was still in my  hand and my on a extremely shocked Damon. His face showed pure bewilderment, if I was not blocked in this situation I would have been laughing at his face, eyes wide, mouth parted and open like a dying fish and nostrils flared up. But he soon recovered depriving me of that glorious view and the moment he finally catches what had happened he yell "What the hell? Are you crazy?"  I was having quite a good time by seeing him in streaks of foundation and getting irritated but as soon as I heard that it made my blood boil. Collecting all the confidence I could muster at that moment I gave him a challenging dead stare and said "Maybe, but that's what you get when you lay a finger on my friend be thankful to God that I just kicked you and didn't ripped off your balls." "Who the hell do think you are talking to? "a voice demanded but it was not his deep and soothing voice it  was an irritating shriek which no doubt belong to Rebecca, the girl he was sucking face previously in class.  Oh did I mention to make it more cliché she was the Queen bee. "Somebody who is not obsessed with this jerk face" I retaliated while giving a accusing glance at Damon, then continued "And also not somebody who is an extra painted doll faced walking STD". There was a series off 'ohs' and 'aahs' showing that the good for nothing audience was clearly amused by the embarrassed face if Rebecca.

Satisfied I turned back to see Damon smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows at him but before I could get my curiosity fed our principles made a grand entry and straight away called Damon and I to the office and excused Rose to take Matt to the nurse.

Back to present..
So right now I was standing in the principles office pretending to pay attention at his useless rambling with Mr. Jerkface burning wholes on my side by his stare and from my peripheral view I can see him smirking. Seeing that turning to him will only result a fight I chose to avoid him at least inside the office. Soon Mr Rolf's speech ended and he excused us but not giving us a warning, honestly I was a little scared of a phone call being made at my home next time If I get involved in a fight but looking at Damon I instantly knew that nor this was  new to him and neither he was afraid of anything.

He has always been like this not afraid of any thing, not care and most probably not giving a damn about rules. I mean I am not a total saint myself but I my eyes some things were meant to be cared of and some rules meant to be followed . I gave a first and last glance towards Damon to see him already watching me. When we made eye contact he winked at me. It would be a lie if I say I didn't blush but to cover up my embarrassment I rolled my eyes at him to which he only smirked. Turning to leave the office I started walking towards the door and was almost going to make out of the office. Keyword almost. Until a hand grabbed my bag making  me stop in my tracks,then suddenly the owner of the hand leaned till my ears sending a ticklish sensation down my spine and whispered dangerously low "Be aware you have caught my attention suka. " Suka? What in the hell is this? I thought to myself but before I could ask him about this he  just harshly (but not too harsh to hurt me) bumped my shoulder and left without even looking at me.

First I was standing there dumbfounded for a moment, then went straight to my class after collecting my thoughts and making a note to myself that I have to show him his place whenever I am gonna meet him next.

My next class was history. I went there and again grabbed the last seat. I was five minutes early because of the 'fight' I had already missed most of my second class so what's the need of attending the last ten minutes. This was a class i really liked. As weird as I sound but to me this was the most interesting class. It would have been the perfect class if the teacher Mrs Whole was not hell bent on hating me. I was lost in my trails of thought till I heard the dragging of the chair in front and beside mine. A clearing of throat caught my attention and lookin up I was greeted by a pair of eyes I was least expecting to see.

I front of me was standing Shahveer, the foot ball captain of the school and one of dearest friends of Damon. I glanced the other way to see Xavier,  popular player of the school. These three were always together, I have even seen them taking each other's blame. Damon was the bad boy and most dangerous and not to mention most popular one of the group. Probably seeing my confused face Shahveer decided to speak "Hey Einstein, no need to use all your mind we are not going to murder you. Relax." then he chuckled. I narrowed my eyes on him and gave him a death glare but he shrugged it off and continued "We just wanted to see who is the great personality who made our brother wear foundation on his shirt" at this event I gave a short but hearty laugh remembering the corridor incident. When my laughter died and I looked I saw booth of them staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and moved my head a little asking them 'what happened' through my actions. They both looked at each other and smiled. I think I even heard Xavier murmur in between the line "I see why she caught his attention".

They asked me if I know the reason behind why the corridor incident happened and I told them that I don't know, I had just seen Matt on the floor and I was there kicking the live daylight out of someone. They booth laughed at my decision of kicking and not to mention foundation.

"Hey you even smacked Rebecca with you verbal weapons! "Xavier exclaimed." Yeah it was pretty good to her face hung open like a bears belly!" Shahveer joined Xavier. Bear belly seriously?!. I was laughing at this till I heard not name being called out, "Bellatrix Prime!" it was Mrs Whore with a pissed of expression. I stood up and asked " yes ma—"  I was interrupted "Detention after school not buts take the slip".  I stood there trying to think of any mistakes I made then it clicked, Mrs Whore always had a thing for the three fantasy boys. And I had been talking to them. Seriously?! She has really got a suitable surname.  I thought to myself.

Grumbling I took the ugly slip and sat down. For rest of the time I talked to the boy. I actually quite enjoyed the company. The rest of the day went well Rose forced Matt to go home as he was injured. Rose and I were together in the last period where I told her about the whole day and she told me about her's. Even though she was trying really hard not show but I knew she was very worried for Matt. I asked if Matt told her anything but she just shook her head and said no.

Saying bye to Rose I went towards the Detention room. I was in no mood to look here and there so I just took the last seat near the window, plugged in my head phones and cut out the world. I was thinking about what an weird day it had been today, how many new  things I have done like getting in my an fight, going to principles for a little serious matter and talking to 'the boys'. After the corridor incident I didn't saw Damon at all and the most weird thing was that I am thinking about it right now. Even though it was not a very great day but I couldn't deny it was an eventful day and there were some parts that I really enjoyed. However the day was, I was thankful that it was finally over. Little did the poor me knew that the day was not yet over....

Heya!!  Yes it's an update!  As I promised I am trying really hard to regularly update. Hope u like the chappy and Bell's today's outfit is gone in the starting of chapter. I have not given cloths description and I won't be giving it also cause honestly, I as a reader have never thought it was very important. I will be giving the pic of it for all the people considering it important to make u all happy. Cause your happiness matters to meet a lot.
Alright then bye guys hope u all have a lovely day and remember I love u guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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