OK so remember like about 2 chapters back when I was saying my ex crush asked me for my number? OK so tell me why this girl today in class asked me for it and I looked at her weird and she was like "its nothing don't worry its for something else". Now knowing all of that I should of been like SKURRRR and that should of told me not to give it to her since its supposedly "nothing", but knowing me I'm young and I CAN be stupid but I'm not, I gave it to her just too see wtf would happen in mind my heart is like beating so freaking hard. So I watch her smoothly and she gets up and she gives it to him like she's selling him some drugs and this is the EXACT facial expression I made. ⤵⤵⤵⤵
Oh so this is what we do now? I should of known man I had a dream last night and it was all about him getting it too. he was all happy and shit just like in the fucking dream. But like tbh I don't even know what he's gonna do with it and I don't want a whole lot of people having my number my friends told me to just block it then one of them was like " just screen record what he says and send it to me so I can tell you what to do" sooo idk but I'm scared and pissed at the same time. Because I have all of these tests I need to worry about AND STUDY FOR to keep my solid A's and now this shit is happening REALLY!! -breathes deeply-
And that's all excuse my language oml😲😩 💜👀💕
Pray for meeeeee😣😟😩😨😵😳
~Save me, Save me~