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I don't know what the feeling was—actually, I do know what it was. That feeling, it has caused me to be different, act different. Jungkook hasn't noticed but I have. It's hard to be around him without wanting him. When he looks at me I have the urge to reach out and touch him. When he talks to me I just want to listen to the sound of his voice all day. When he laughs with me, I want to hear that melodic sound again. When he smiles I want to see that smile again.

I know what it is, but I can't admit it.

I want to confessor him, seeing it's already been about a month since my break up, but I'm simply to scared to do so.

I think he might like me back, because even he has been acting a bit differently towards me since the fair we went to together, but I don't want to take my chances. It might just be my delusion, and he might not like me at all.

I am perplexed. I don't know what to do.

All I can do is sigh.

Girl problems.

I walk outside the school.

It's pretty late, I just came from the library. I was so caught up in reading I only realized the time when the librarian told me to leave. That's why I'm leaving the school so late. It's about 6pm (18:00 I think) and it's thankfully not that dark. They sky is painted with pastel colours, a bright sky blue fading into a beautiful sunset orange that is over taking the sky, contrasting well with the yellow sun peeking over the hills, getting smaller and smaller as it sets. All of that beauty was covered by grey clouds, making it look darker than it should at this time of day.

I had texted Daniel and Maven from before that I was in the library and that I would call them when I wanted them to pick me up, but now, my phone was dead I I couldn't call them.

The school office was closed as well, and so I couldn't use the school phone. And there was no one else I could ask to borrow their phone.

I continued to walk on the school property, about to trek on my journey home—which, if you recall from almost half a year ago during the summer, was a very long journey of 4 miles. Not to mention it was scorching hot then, and now it's freezing cold. And the idiot that I am didn't come to school prepared. I came to school thinking I wouldn't be outside too much, and I wore a hoodie with wool gloves and a hat. It seems like I dressed well but wearing just a hoodie, gloves and hat in negative degrees weather is not really what I would say is smart (negative degrees as in Celsius, not Fahrenheit). On top of that I was wearing leggings so basically I was freezing to death.

As I continue to walk I already know that I'm definitely getting a fever. I already have a weak immune system, making me disease prone. In other words: I catch viruses very easily and get sick easily.

I shiver in the cold and clutch my bag straps tighter.

Thankfully it's not snowing because that would be the end of me. It very windy, but no snow.



I just jinxed myself.

Damn my big mouth.

You have already guessed it. It's snowing. It's not just your ordinary flurries, it's raging winter. Huge flaky snow flakes don't fall from the sky, they swirl in the wind violently. In a matter of minutes my black hoodie is white, covered in snow.

By the time I get home I literally look like I have a white face, white hair, and white clothes, all because of the white snow. I reach home shivering and shaking like an idiot, the cold making my nose red, more red than Rudolph.

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