Get Out

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I froze when I saw Chase standing in my shop with his arms crossed. When Zach followed in behind me, Chase puffed out his chest furrowed his brow. His dark brown hair was a disheveled and he looked at me angrily. This might get a little ugly.

"Ollie what the hell? Who is this bastard?" He roared at me as he looked at Zach. "Here I was worried sick about you and you're the one running around?"

"Okay, hold on one second. Let's get a few things straight." I snarled back at him. "You're in MY fucking shop to start. Two, you're the sorry sack of shit who was sleeping around not me. Three, it doesn't matter who the fuck I'm with because I kicked your dead beat ass to the curb two days ago! Wasn't your shit on the curb enough of a hint for you?"

I sighed and turned to look at Zach. He stood behind me with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. He's probably wondering what the hell he just fell into. This had nothing to do with him and here he was being accused of sleeping with me.

"You watch the way you talk to me, Ollie." He said pointing a finger at me, and getting in my face, "Now stop lying! Who is this guy? Don't make me beat it out of you. I will fucking find out!"

Before I could extend my hand and send a fist in Chase's face, I heard Zach speak up from over my shoulder.

"If you lay a finger on her, I will fucking kill you myself. Threatening her is just as bad. No wonder she dropped your ass on the curb. She doesn't deserve scum like you." He said in a rough, low voice. "And to be clear, she doesn't belong to you."

I turned and I looked at Zach and I walked over to him turning my back on Chase. Zach eyed me and his eyebrows raised as I walked over to him. Then before he could say anything i grabbed the collar of his shirt and I put one hand on the side of his face and brought my lips to his.

I felt his body tense for a minute before his hand reached up and held the back of my head in place. His gentle fingers held me in place and tangled in my hair. His other arm moved to my waist and he pulled me closer so our bodies were touching. His solid figure was apparent and heat pricked my skin where we touched. He turned his head to change the angle of our kiss and his tongue parted my lips finding mine. Our kiss went from a peck to passionate in about two seconds flat.  A sweet fire ignited in my stomach and a wave of pleasure ran through my body. He gently but my lip in a hungry kiss causing a low hum to escape from my mouth. As I pulled back slightly, I saw an intense desire in his eyes. I stood there breathless for a minute as I tried to process the feeing I had from that kiss. Sure it was spur of the moment for me, but I wasn't expecting the feeling I had now to follow. Then I got a smile that made my legs feel like they were going to melt.

Still wrapped in Zach's arms I turned my head and looked at Chase who was standing there with his mouth hanging open.  Then instant rage came across his face. He started to walk towards us and I broke off from Zach and met him halfway.

"This is your last damn warning. Get out. Get out of my shop and get out of my life. I want nothing more to do with you and if I ever see your pathetic face again I won't hesitate to shoot you." I yelled angrily.

He gritted his teeth at me and turned towards the front door. I stood there with my arms crossed not backing down when Zach started to speak. Chase froze before leaving to hear his final warning.

"Oh, and you don't know what kind of business she runs either. If you say a word you can expect not to have much time left to live. My boss is a very well equipped man that would have no trouble wiping you off the face of the Earth." Zach called out.

Then without another look back, Chase walked out of my shop causing the door to slam loudly.
I put my hand on my forehead and turned to Zach who stood there looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Well that could've been a lot worse." I said as I tried to think of something to say.

"Because it wasn't enough of a train wreck right?" He said with a laugh. "What else did you expect? Guns? Bombs? Death threats?

"Actually, yes." I replied. "He's one crazy son of a bitch." I sighed as I walked over to my tool bag.

"At least he didn't try taking my shit. If he would've touched anything I would've broke his fingers."

"Almost like you tried to break my nose?"

"Ahh but I didn't did I? I said as I smiled over my shoulder. I noticed him staring at my Mustang Fastback. He looked mesmerized by it as he walked around it, occasionally stepping closer to check out the details.

"This is beautiful. When did you get this?" He asked without looking over.

"About 3 years ago." I said thinking about that night. That was the night my life changed. It's funny to think that if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be in the predicament I'm in now. "Didn't you see it when you came here the first time?"

"I saw it but I couldn't really focus on them then. I had a job I had to do." He looked in my direction and tilted his head. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" I said as I sipped up my bag after doing a final check through.

"Is it really safe for you to go home? That guy seemed pretty unstable. What if he comes to
your home?"

"I have multiple weapons in my apartment. I don't think he's that dumb." I zipped up my bag and flung it over my shoulder and walked towards him "But then again, I didn't think he was dumb enough to let some other woman's bra in my desk drawer. I guess the world is full of surprises."

"Stupid ass." He laughed. "For what purpose?"

"Beats me." I said with a shrug and walked to the front door.

"Wait, you're walking home?" Zach asked as he rubbed the stubble on his cheeks. "It may be fall, but the nights are getting cold."

"I usually walk to my apartment. It's nothing new to me." I said as I started to turn.

"I can drive you."

I rested my hand on the handle and turned and looked at him. He had a small smile on his lips as he stuck his hands in his pockets. Damn he's hot.

"Besides didn't you say the back was for exit only?" He said with a smirk.

"Fine you win." With a laugh I walked up to him and stopped so we were face to face.

"If only you cooperated like this when we first met." He said with a mischievous grin.

The tension between us was growing so thick I could hardly take it. But I was drawn to him. Why? I wasn't quite sure. Maybe it was those chocolate brown eyes. Maybe it was the dazzling smile. But I'm pretty sure it had something to do with that kiss earlier. Regardless, I need to be careful. He did kidnap me after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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