Chapter 1

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Facing Reality👣

Joelica Pov

The sun rise up as i slightly arose from my  rough rider bed. It was very hard and pointy i thought i would've gotten blisters or something.

I sigh as i sat on my bed and comb my tinted straight black hair.

Todays the day.

Todays the day i leave this horrible place.

I mean they do have the nice food and everything but.... it still sucks eggs.....backwards.

That didnt make any type sense. Anywho i started to play with the ends of my hair while my mind runs wild.

Im going to face the real world.

The world that took away my happiness.

The world that made my smile into a frown.

The world where we call humans as a friend but hiss at your back like an animal.

Its been eight months.

Eight long ass month and in an hour imma be out here.

Facing the big bad world. Where you exchange drug to satisfy your needs. Where you sell your body cause your bored. Where you hide your self when theres to many pain.

I sighed as i collect my self and went un tge bath room. As i walked in. I stood in front of the mirror.

I wonder what im looking at?

Is this me?

Is this what i look like?

All torn up with blotches and dark circles over my eyes?

Of cousre it me.

Im friggin insane... 

With the jet black hair and the thin eyebrows.

My full pink plump lips and my dull big brown eyes. My skin color the palest brown you can think of.

Yeah i know i look like a freak on steroids.

You dont have to tell me i look like a freak i know im a freak. I did all my things in the bathroom then leave to go back in my room.

I picked out a black shirt my black jean pants and my worn out vans.

Yes i love the color black it matches my soul.

I looked in the mirror and put my hair in a pony tail.

I heard a knock on my door. I didnt say anything but Elsa the nurse of the ward walked in.

"I see your already ready to go?"

I didnt say anything just keep staring at the window.

"Still dont talk i see." She mumbled.

I rolled my eyes i never talked since i was omitted to the so call help center. I never talk to anyone except Dr.Blue. Shes my therapist and i still dont tell her everything.

I really dont like people knowing my business. I love to be by myself.

"You should come down now your guard is ready to take you to your care home." Elsa said.

I grab my duffel bag and walk out of the room.

As i walk down the hallway all the nurse was looking at me and murmuring which was so annoying.

I just roll my eyes and walk away. Soon or later i reached the the lobby.

It was white with a lot of ads and necessary things about helping you and all that goodie shit.

I walked and was stopped by Dr.Blue.

She was a really nice lady but i was always a bitch to her. But she seem to get used to me.

So it clearly didnt matter to her.

"Are you excited." She said

I just gave her a blank look. She sighed.

"Still not talking are we?"

I just look at her.

"Well this is John hes going to be your guard at the care home. Ok."

I nodded and looked at him. He was very muscular. With jet black hair and his high cheek bone. His long wrinkles everytime he moves his face.

"I hope you be on your best behaviour Joelica. Please cause no trouble to anyone please good bye and ill be checking on you every month." She said and gave me a quick hug.

John took my bag and started to walk out the building.

This is it.

This is what i wasnt ready for.

The place i dread the most.

The place that messed me up.

The place where i thought i wouldve find peace.

I walked out the building and look back and i read the big sign.

"Riverdalem Asylum

Reality here i come....

Hellooo this is my first time trying this out!

Like im shitless scared😱

Sikkeeeee not really😂😊

But seriously do you like it?

Do i need to continue?

Or just throw this book in the trash?

Comment and share!!!❤😭👣


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