chapter 2

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Joelica Pov

The ride to this so call care home wasn't even that long.

It took us like 45 mintues.

I just sat there and looked out the car looking at the window...just staring.

I watched as the people interfere with there pairs.

I watched as love one cuddle and steal kisses from each other.

I watched as parents and there children play and do all kind of stuff together.


What is family?

I sighed as the car jolted. I watched as John come out of the car and open my door.

As i walk out of the car i saw the big sign...

"Geniness Well Care Home Center"

What a cheap name for an ugly place.

I followed John as he walked in the building. Inside looked pretty good than outside.

The walls wasnt dull like the walls at the asylum.

They had bright vibrant colors such as blue pink orange etc...

The lobby was fulled with plants and other decorations. But its to.....colorful for me.

I stood there until i saw a red hair lady with green eyes. She had freckles and wore a head glasses.

"Hello my name is Fransica and ill be your care taker."

I just stared at the woman. She looked nervous like im about to freak out and jump on her.

"She doesnt speak that much." John said.

She mumbled a silent "oh" but i can still hear her.

"Well Joelica let me show you to your room. You will clearly have a roommate because of precaution reasons."


You gotta be friggin stupid.

Me in a room with other human being?

A species i hardly like?

And you wanna put me....

In a room....

With a random ass person.....

And i thought i was crazy they just as crazy as i am but i didnt say a word.

I followed her as she walked me to my room.

The doors had numbers on them. We stopped to a room with the number 17.

What a lucky number.

We stopped then she knocked on the door.

"Kida" she said.

So my roommate is a girl?

How lovely..note of sarcasm.

We heard shuffling and then the door opened to a girl that was very petite.

She had very long straight hair. With not to small eyes. They were the same shade as mines but more lighter.

"I came to show you your new roommate. Kida Joelica Joelica Kida." She said.

Me and this Kida girl just look at each other. It was like we was staring into each other souls.

She gave one last look and walk back in her room.

"Um Joelica make yourself at home. Ill be downstairs if you need anything." She said and left.

I walked in the room just to see that it was painted grey and white.

It really didnt had many things in it. Just two bed two closets etc...

I walked to my bed and rest my stuff on it. Then i heard someone clear their throat.

I turn around to see Kida standing there looking at me playing with the ends of her hair.

I wont lie she had really long hair i thought mines was long but anyways.

"Umm where are you from?" She asked.

I just looked at her.

I sighed she seem different than any other people i meet. I guess i should tell her.

"Im from Italy." I mumbled.

She mumbled a quick "oh".

After couple minutes later.

"You dont talk that much do you?" She asked.

I shake my head.

"Why not?"

I shrugged.

"You do know that they are going to put you in school and that you have to socialize with people right?" She said.

"I know...its just that i really didnt have anyone to talk to at the asylum so i got used to not talking to anyone except my therapist."

"Oh i undersatnd" she said.

Soon or later we heard some one knocking on the door.

Fransica poked her head in.

"Umm Joelica tomorrow you will start your new day in school. Umm you will be going to the same school as Kida ok." She said.

I nodded my head and then she left.

I sighed.

"Its not going to be that bad you have me and my friends you will get to meet them tomorrow. But you should get some rest tomorrow we have to wake up early" she said.

I nodded and got ready for bed.

I sighed while i lay facing the ceiling.

What have my life gotten to?

What did i do wrong for my life to turn out like this?

What is tomorrow going to be?

Will the be mean like the last ones?

Will they tease me?

Will they call me cruel names?

Well i guess i just have to wait and see what tomorrow awaits....

Well guys im back with other lovely chapter..

I hope you like this one to!

I will try to update more often!😊

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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