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"What was you mad about?" I asked her fully waking up. "I was mad because i wanted to stay mad at you but i couldn't" she said softly in my ear "what?" I said laughing . Baby you don't get it." She said as she sat up and straddled , giving me the perfect view of her boobs. " I've always been able to stay mad and just leave guys, and i can't do that with you, with you i miss you even when I'm mad at you, just looking at you and hearing your voice puts a smile on my face, i love those kids and would give my last breathe to save them if i could. So leaving you would mean leaving them and i can't do that , and as much as i hate to admit it i LOVE you and when i say Love i mean to the bottom of my heart. And that scares me. I've always been able to just walk away but i can't do that with you and i never want to, i want to spend the rest of my life with you , i want to carry your third child. I want my happily ever after with you ." She said looking me in my eyes. I've never had a female say half the shit Tia just said to me and the crazier part is that i want the same thing with her. Before i knew it I had flipped us over, i was on top of her kissing her i slowly moved from her lips to her neck. When i got to her spot she started to moan. I slowly made my way to her navel and licked around it, then i ripped her thong off "Baby that was my favorite thong!" She half yelled half moaned . "I'll buy you some more " i whispered before i started eating her pussy, I ate it like it was the last thing i would have. " Durk!" She moaned I started to spell love out on her clit. " oooohhh baaaabbyyy" she moaned. After 5 minutes she came in my mouth. I sat up and pulled my dick out and slowly slide in her. This was our first time having sex and i was making love to this girl, I've never done this before. This is how I'm going to show her that I'm not ever leaving her or letting her leave me. I love this girl.


I feel in love with the bad guy ( A Lil Durk Story)Where stories live. Discover now