Chiraq story

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They say Chicago is the most violent city in the United States. and they're right, with all the crimes and the non stop killings, shit most people don't want to come out their own homes. In Chicago we don't say "goodbye" when you leave we say "be safe" and "let me know when you make it there". we worry whenever our loved ones aren't in our presence. we hug them likes its our last one even if they're just going to the store. Chicago is no place to raise a family. but it does help you to not be weak. everyday is a constant battle of "will I live for another day or is today my last day?". most brag on being thugs , smoking weed and having a gun because they think it's cool but many are thugs , smoke weed and kill because it's all they know. you can't frown upon them because they didn't learn the right way. But seriously is there any other way to live in Chicago ? For those of you who don't know me I'm Tia. I'm 19 and I'm from Chicago , I live with my sister Chalice and I have a older brother who's name is Herb . Enough about me though on to the story .

I walked out into the cold Chicago air wearing my pink Bailey bow uggs, light distorted jeans and my pink and blue hello kitty hoodie with my light blue northface covering my hoodie . I was currently on my way to my bestfriend brionna house . I walked down the street to her apartment building and rung her bell " who is it?" she called out the speaker . "Its me who else would it be? now let me in " I told her waiting for her to buzz me in. after what felt like forever she buzzed me in and I walked up the three flights to her apartment door and walked in . "hey girl what's up?" she asked as I took my shoes off at the door and joining her on the couch. "not much. so what's the plans for Tonight ?" I asked "well my mama nem gone for the weekend so herb said he gone slide through " she said smiling . Yes my bestfriend is dating my brother. But herb isn't just a brother he's my bestfriend we talk about everything. "awe ok. I miss my brother , every time we talk he's either at the studio or on his way there." I said "yea girl. he basically lives there. we actually got into it because I thought he was lying about being there so much and accused him of cheating " brionna said "Bri wtf?! my brother would never cheat on you! he loves you too much ! you're the only girl he's ever been serious with." I told her shaking my head at her " I know T , It's just hard you know ? I know these females be thirsty for him because of his name . his music is getting recognized by important people since Durk did that song with him after he got signed. im just scared he'll forget about me . " she admitted sadly . " brionna . herb ain't going NOWHERE ! he ain't gonna forget about you. he loves you girl . so stop acting like that cause as much as he loves you he's still my brother and he won't keep taking the fact that you're calling him a cheater , it'll just make him do it cause in his mind you keep accusing him of it so he'll be like "why not ? "" I told her. I hate when they argue because I'm always put in the middle of it. "speaking of the devil, he's calling me now" she said as she answered her phone "hey baby, me and Tia was just talking about you." She said the conversation continued for about five minutes before she hung up. "Herb said he's on his way over ." she said "ok. don't forget what I said ." I reminded her. "I won't" she replied as she walked to the kitchen to get snacks. she came back with chips, juice, pop, and candy. I scrolled through Netflix and picked a movie. "really T? saw III? you always pick a scary movie" she laughed "you know scary movies are my favorite." I told her smiling while she shook her head. ten minutes later there was a knock on her door. she opened the door and all I heard was "Baby! I missed you !" I turned to see her legs wrapped around herbs waist as he kissed her "I missed you too baby. the stu been killing a nigga." he said as he let her down and walked over to the couch "hey Tia" he said kissing my forehead "hi mr. I'm never home anymore ." I said making him laugh "Nigga you ain't tell us yo sister was bad" I heard a voice say I turned my head and saw two boys standing at the door. "nigga don't start or yo ass gone be leaving . Tia this is Nuski and that's Durk. he said pointing them out." hi replied with a simple "hey" before my phone rung "hello ?" I answered "SISTER WHERE ARE YOU?!" it was my sister Chalice. "im at bri house. why wassup?" "who wit yall?" she asked "Herb, Durk and Nuski" I answered making the three look at me "Who you telling my whereabouts to?" Nuski asked "My sister" I said before listening to what Chalice was saying but before I could hear What Chalice was saying I heard Nuski say "Damn it's another fine sister?" to Durk "Nuski fine ass there?! Why you ain't tell me Tia?!" she said making me laugh. "they just got here girl and I ain't even know they was coming. I only knew about herb coming over. Plus you gotta man" as I said that herb got a phone call too. "So? you still should've told me! I'm sitting in this apartment by myself bored and shit. I'm coming over there." she said "Aye yall wanna go with us to the studio real quick ?" herb said "Bae this was supposed to be a chill night. you always at the studio !" Brianna said getting upset. "I know, but I gotta lay these tracks down real quick wit bibby. so are YALL coming or not?" he said standing up "Yea we coming" I said answering for the both of us "Chalice meet us at bibby studio" I told her as the plans changed "ok. I'll be there in 10 minutes" she said as she hung up. if she 10 minutes from the studio she must be at her boyfriend JOJO house. herb can't stand him and neither can I. he treats chalice like shit yet she stays with him. ok come on yall herb said leaving out with the rest of us following."Tia why did you say yes? you know I ain't wanna go to this damn studio!" Bri whispered/yelled. "Because I wasn't about to sit there and watch yall argue, at least he invited us to go with him and not let some randoms come in while you wasn't there." I said back "I guess you're right." she said blowing out a breath. "I know I am." I said flipping my hair while laughing. we walked to herbs black 2015 explore and all hopped in. we made it to the studio in about fifteen minutes. we walked in and saw Chalice and Bibby waiting on us. "Hey Bestfriend." I said sitting in his lap. "wassup" he said back "my nigga this you?" Nuski asked as he dapped Bibby while looking at Chalice. "Naw nigga this Herb sister Chalice." Bibby said while laughing. "Damn what's in YALL blood? Mama must be bad too." Nuski said making everyone except herb laugh "She is." Bibby and durk said. "aye yall nigga betta shut yall asses up." herb said mad as he walked in the booth making us laugh more. He finished his verses to him and Bibby song KILL SHIT . "aye brother this my new shit" u said after rerapping the verse he just finished. "im glad you do." he said sitting in the chair next to me and Bibby . "Aye I'm bout to hope in real quick" durk said as he headed in the booth. Thats when I got a good look at him and noticed he cut his dreads off. damn Durk fine 😏😻 I bit on my bottom lip as he rapped. Matter about an hour he came on the booth. "damn nigga that shit was dope AF!" Bibby said "what's the name of it?" he asked "Bang bro" he said as he sat on the couch. I felt myself staring so I turned to chalice who was smirking at me. "Nuski you going in? or are you not a rapper. " I asked "What? You ain't heard about me?" he said shaking his head. "I gotta change that. " he said walking in the booth. "Aye Bibby drop that beat from last week ." he said from inside the booth. the beat dropped and seconds later he was rapping I looked at chalice and noticed she was looking at him the way I looked at Durk . After about five minutes he walked out the booth . I smirked at chalice as she blushed and rolled her eyes at me. "Brother im hungry" chalice said "me too" I said . "ok what yall want to eat?" He asked "Chilis" we both said. "iight. yall niggas trying to go?" he said looking at Durk, Bibby and Nuski . "yea nigga lets go ." Durk said . we all stood up as Durk opened the door. Chalice, brionna and I linked arms and walked out first. "Bitch I saw you looking at Durk " chalice said as we walked ahead of everyone "and I saw you looking at Nuski. so what?" I said back "girl have you seen him? he's fine as hell!" she said "says the girl with a boyfriend." I said making bri laugh as we climbed in herbs truck . we pulled up to chilis twenty minutes later and we were sitting immediately. We sat at a table. Chalice on my right and Durk on my left, herb was next to Durk with Brionna sitting next to him and Nuski was next to chalice with Bibby next to him. we ordered our food then sat and talked. "So how come nobody but Bibby met yo sisters herb." Nuski asked "Because the way my name in these streets niggas would be after them." Herb said "the same way niggas ain't know Durk had kids." herb finished "you have kids? I asked as I looked at him "Yea. I gotta son and daughter " he answered . from there we all sat and talked and ate our food. Durk and Nuski turned out to be cool as hell. me and chalice gave him a nickname "NuNu" but only me and her can call him that. We are now back at Bri house. Bibby went to some thot house so the rest of us just gone spend the night. "Come on bae. "herb said picking up a sleepy Bri and walking into her room. "Night Bestfriend" Bri mumbled "night babe" I said back. I leaned back on the couch and stared at Durk. damn I ain't know he had kids. I watched him text. probably his babymama. "you just gone stare at a nigga huh?" I heard him say knocking me out my thoughts . "I wasnt't staring at you I was thinking." I said. "maybe this time but this ain't the first time I caught you staring tonight. you gotta lie" he said making me blush. I heard chalice laughing at me "don't be laughing at me you was staring at NuNu" I said smirking at her "damn really we sellout blood now?" chalice said "yep"  I said back smiling. " I mean she ain't have to say it I had already saw it . " Nunu said laughing . "whatever " chalice said rolling her eyes. " Man I gotta go Nikki ass acting up again" Durk said looking tired "I told yo ass to wrap it up with her but you just didn't listen. now you're stuck with her." NuNu said shaking his head. "I know nigga you ain't gotta keep reminding me all the time " Durk said as he walked to the door. I walked behind him so I could lock it. "bye durk." I said as I opened the door for him. "iight I'll see you later. tell herb to text me in the morning." he said before leaving. I walked back to the couch and fell asleep.

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