Snow - Twisted Peace

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Chapter 1 - Twisted Peace


Isn't it pure? Isn't it innocent? Isn't it beautiful?

Birds chirped outside, bouncing on the old withering branches of the ancient tree in front of her window. It was winter outside. The chilling wind woke her up rather roughly. She showered and dressed, half asleep, dragging herself here and there still in the land of dreams.

An unusual thing for a morning person normally.

Though now, she could hardly be considered as such. After all, an insomniac who depends on pills to rest doesn't fit into the confines of society in general. Even less with coodinators and their manipulated genes and all.

She shuddered as she stared blankly at her reflection on the mirror standing at the corner. The striking differences between her present self and the pop princess before the Bloody Valentine War seemed to bulge out even more every passing day. Denial wouldn't do anyone good. She was weary of her own lies now. It pained her when people tried to act normal around her, but failing as she noticed the nervous atmosphere, the hesitant ways her friends acknowledged her, the carefully concealed pitying tone which, mangled with fake cheerfulness, disgusted her.

She was once considered a beauty. The pride and joy of Plants and Coordinators. Signature pink hair flowing gently to her knees, slender figure with soft curves, and the most stunning sapphire eyes in the world.

However, the pale girl smiling meekly at her reflection was nowhere near that person. She had drastically changed during the few months that followed the Battle of Yakin Due. Her skin was sickly pale now, all hints of her once rosy cheeks gone. Results of her weight loss were considerably visible from her weak, bone-thin form. The glow of her long, wavy pink hair was gone, replaced by a dull strait ponytail hanging from a black ribbon.

He was the main reason behind that transformation. It was pure torture just thinking about him. He had been the one who held her, consoled her, and supported her through all the heartbreaking pain they had experienced...

He was also the one who left her in his madness.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she reached up and grabbed the bottle of medicine from the top shelf. Entering the kitchen while pondering dark thoughts, she filled up a glass of orange juice, and swallowed one. Not because she was sick. It was a well-known fact that Coordinators just can't get sick. The pills were for energy purposes. You can't expect anyone to work without food nor drink for days straight. Which was why she consumed them on a regular basis, maintaining her brain even if her body couldn't keep up anymore.

She glanced at the clock. It was only 5:30am while the meeting was for 9. Enough time to get out for some fresh air. Jumping to her feet, she quickly wrote down a note for Murrue-san and tossed it at the counter. She snatched a black coat carelessly from the closet, picked up the keys, and strode off. Locking up the door, she glimpsed at the red glow of dawn, instantly regretting it. So many things had changed between the last time she had seen that unique crimson red and now...



Isn't it pure? Isn't it innocent? Isn't it beautiful?

After another excruciating day at the Plant's Council, she stumbled face-down onto her bed. It was ridiculous. How could they continue to argue over meaningless things when so many people were agonizing? How could they threaten each other, even if it's only with words, of restarting the war? Did they have no sense of shame? The countless people who sacrificed themselves for a truce between Naturals and Coordinators, the unimaginable large amount of civilians who suffered because of war, the heart-breaking tears of the children...Have they thought of them?

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