Chapter 7

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Note: the rollercoaster they ride is pretty much my favorite rollercoaster, Hydra, The Revenge (Dorney Park, Pennsylvania), a link to a video of it is above

As they walked into the theme park, Matt was looking around, a huge smile on his face.

"What do you want to start with?" Tord asked him
Matt thought about it for a few seconds. He wanted some more toys for his collection, however, he still wanted to impress Tord. He had to chose one or the other.

More toys, or be scared and impress Tord...? He thought to himself.

"Matt?" Tord asked again

Matt snapped out of his thoughts and blurted out "roller coaster!"
Shit! No turning back now... He thought.

Tord's eyes widened "Wow! ... Are you sure? Don't you hate rollercoasters?" Tord asked

Matt stood silent for a second "No, I did, but they're pretty cool now," he responded.

"Alright, to the rollercoaster then, I guess," Tord said, grabbing Matt's hand and trekking quickly to the only rollercoaster in the park.

Matt slightly blushed, he couldn't believe Tord was at the point he would hold his hand. He was mentally slapped out of his thoughts when he looked up at the huge, intense coaster, whimpering faintly to himself, staring at the rollercoaster, and seeing the seats zoom on the tracks

For Tord... He thought.

The line was conveniently short, within five minutes, they were at the platform. Matt watched as the seats were emptied and filled, then secured and released onto the tracks, getting him even more nervous. He looked over at Tord, who looked like he was having the time of his life, he wasn't even in one of the seats yet. He saw the floor unfold, and the loop that the riders would slowly go on before they went up, and doing a bunch of spins, loops, and a straight down drop. He heard the screams and shuttered.

Tord pulled him toward the tracks, the line to get on the front row.
"You sure you want to do this? It's pretty intense... I'm not sure how you would handle this coaster..." He warned

Matt had no idea what he said, as he was to lost in  his thoughts about what would probably go wrong on this ride, but nodded anyway.

For Tord... He thought again.

He watched as the rows and columns of seats slowly inched it's way to the tracks as the other one came back, full of exhilarated riders
It was their turn to ride. Tord took Matt's phone and happily made his way over to the small lockers provided on the other side of the platform, Matt sitting in one of the center seats, and Tord sitting beside him on the edge seat.

The workers came over, connected the seat belts and pushed on the restraints, making them uncomfortably tight. Matt looked at the tracks in front of him, then looked down at the stones that were under the tracks

What if I fall on them...? He thought anxiously. He then looked straight forward and saw the bar gate that separated him from the safe platform and the dangerous tracks that would soon open.

The speakers came on "check one," they spoke, the restraints suddenly loosened, they felt a little unsafe now. Matt silently whimpered to himself.

"Check two," There was another click

"Check three," there was one final click before the seats shook a bit.
"Enjoy your ride" the speakers spoke, the riders behind him cheering and screaming excitedly as the ride starting inching it's way to the tracks.

"W-wait what's happe-" Matt was about to speak before he screamed, the ride slowing tilting to it's side. It starting tilting upside down. Everyone, even Tord was screaming by this point, as everyone was completely off their seats, their shoulders and chests pressing hardly against the restraints. Matt wiggled, in fear he would fall. The ride then came back to it's horizontal tracks before tilting sideways again and speeding up.

Matt looked around as they reaches the chains that would pull them up to the first drop. Tord nudged his hand and he looked over

"Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you excited? We are about to die and live our lives for the first time at the SAME time!" Tord cheered excitedly
Matt just nervously laughed and nodded, honestly, he was not ready, and he was not excited, he was terrified, and Tord's comment made his fear grow stronger.

Matt felt a twitch from the seat, he looked down and wish he hadn't. The ride was tumbling straight down the tracks, he heard the high pitched screams from the groups behind him, and the screams from the well-known stranger beside him. However, he heard his scream the most. The ride then shot up into a corkscrew.

Matt felt his head start throbbing and aching the seats went through another loop.

He felt like he would die as tears formed in his eyes, screaming at the top of his lungs, wanting to curl into a ball
he started losing all feeling ontill his surroundings faded to black

Is this the end...?

(Word count: 859)
I feel this is one of my better chapters after I eddited it :3 I feel a bit more determined to continue this story now.
I added another cliffhanger bcuz I'm evil, muahaha
XD have a nice day, you poptarts in toasters

Its hard to make a pair when only one cares (Tord x Matt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now